As far back as I can remember, my Dad’s pepper-steak has been one of my favorite Chinese foods – tender steak, crispy bright veggies, and the delicious umami from the soy and spices.  Pepper Steak is one of the dishes we save for special occasions, it’s a bit time intensive and I’m all about the quick and easy, especially during the school year.

That’s where this Spicy Ginger Beef and Veggie Stir Fry comes in to play

spicy ginger beef stir fry

When Nathan and I first started dating, the spiciest thing he could handle was black pepper, now 16 years later – he’s all about freshly sliced jalapenos, chili garlic sauce, and flavors that leave your taste buds dancing and your lips tingling.  He gets excited when he walks in the house and smells peppers or sees the remnants of sliced jalapenos, the shaker of crushed red pepper flakes or an empty jar of chili garlic sauce.

ginger beef stir fry

Having Nathan on board with bright, spicy flavors means I can have a lot more fun with the dishes I make for us, and this stir fry is one of our favorite dishes, it’s quick to throw together, made with fresh ingredients and the recipe can be made to easily feed 2 or 20.  Whether it’s a meal for a few, or a celebration with many – gather together your favorite people and whip up this yummy ginger beef stir fry!


spicy ginger beef stir fry

Spicy Ginger Beef and Veggie Stir Fry

Freshly minced ginger, soy sauce and chili garlic sauce make this fresh veggie and steak stir fry a delicious and easy dinner
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:20 minutes
Total Time:30 minutes


The Steak

  • 1 lb thin steak slice into strips about 1/4" thick
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger minced
  • 1 C low sodium soy suace
  • 1 tsp chili garlic sauce

The Veggies

  • 2 lb Fresh Green Beans washed and trimmed
  • 2 Medium red bell pepper sliced
  • 2 shallot minced
  • 2 Tbsp Ginger minced
  • 1/4 C sesame oil
  • 1/4 C plus 2 TbspTbsp low sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tsp chili garlic sauce
  • 2 bunches green onions chopped down to the white parts


Marinate the steak

  • Place the steak strips into a bag with soy and chili garlic sauce and marinate while prepping the veggies.


  • Bring a large pot of water to boil, drop in green beans and boil for about 2 minutes, until bright green. Remove immediately and place into an ice bath. Drain into a colander and set aside.
  • Slice the red bell pepper
  • Mince the shallot and Ginger
  • In a large skillet over medium high heat place the sesame oil and heat. Toss in the shallot and ginger and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add in the green beans and bell pepper and cook, stirring frequently about 5 minutes. Add in soy sauce and green onions and cook another 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and place into a dish with chili garlic sauce, toss to coat and cover.


  • Place the steak into the same skillet you cooked the veggies in and cook to desired done-ness.
  • ADd the veggies back in and toss to coat and mix.
Author: Rachel

A big thank you to Kikkoman for sponsoring this post in honor of Chinese New Year and for being a sponsor of A Southern Fairytale. Check out their 2014 Year of The Horse celebration page for coupons, a downloadable celebration guide, and recipe ideas!



  1. Looks great. I too was once a little weary of heat, now I have to cut back to save myself from horrid heartburn. Thanks for the recipe, I’ve been trying to find some good low carb, healthier food to eat. Can’t wait to try it!

  2. Where do you find your “chili garlic sauce”? I asked my grocery store and they didnt have anything like that.

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