Roasted Garlic, Crushed Red Pepper, Chipotle Hummus

roasted garlic, red pepper, chipotle hummus


Nathan and I are definitely dip lovers, but it’s taken me YEARS to get him on team hummus.  It took my friend Laura working with her favorite hummus company, Sabra, and a bit of bribery to get Nathan to finally try it.  There was a scrunched nose and a whole lot of disbelief prior to his first taste.  When he dipped his pita chip, we all held our breath… he dipped, he bit, and then he looked at us and said: “Why didn’t y’all tell me about this before?”


Cue me banging my head on the kitchen table.  I swear y’all.  

Ever since then, he’s been all about the hummus, ’bout that hummus…… sorry, couldn’t resist

One of the kids’ favorite treats is roasted chickpeas, so I always have some on hand… late one night Nathan had a craving for hummus, but neither one of us wanted to go the store, so I started researching some recipes and realized just how easy it is to make hummus at home.  Did you know that you can have homemade hummus in less than 15 minutes, because I didn’t.   We’ve done lots of playing with hummus recipes over the past month or two, and I have to tell y’all… it’s so easy to make, to customize, and it’s just so stinking good!!!

easy homemade spicy hummus

I’m currently (read.. the last 5 years) obsessed with roasted garlic.  I think I roast a bulb or two per week just for the way it makes my house smell, and roasted garlic adds the most incredible depth and flavor to pretty much everything from  garlic bread and salsa to spaghetti sauce and frittatas…… 

oven roasted garlic

I happened to have a head of roasted garlic on hand the other day when Nathan asked me to make hummus to take to the lake house for the 4th of July.  Nathan loves chipotles and spicy foods so I decided to pair the roasted garlic with some chipotles and crushed red pepper to make a spicy hummus and apparently it was a win, because Nathan was scraping the bowl with his fingers and has declared it his favorite hummus ever.



spicy roasted garlic hummus


Roasted Garlic, Chipotle, Red Pepper Hummus

Easy homemade roasted garlic, spicy chipotle, red pepper hummus
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • 1 large can 29 oz about 2 Cups garbanzo beans/chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 Cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Zest and Juice of 1 lemon about 3 Tablespoons
  • 3 roasted garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup cumin
  • 1 Tablespoon crushed red pepper
  • 2 chipotles in adobo sauce
  • 2 teaspoons adobo sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 Cup water
  • fresh ground pepper to taste


  • Combine all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
  • Taste and adjust seasoning to taste, if you find it too spicy, add a tsp of honey.
  • For serving, top with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of crushed red pepper
  • Serve immediately or refrigerate for 3 - 5 days
Servings: 2 Cups
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale




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