I’m home from Blissdom and running way, way, way behind.

My brain has melted from the happy and the joy and friendship and the learning and the YAY.

So, for today’s MWM, I’m doing a round-up from last week’s Virtual Soup Swap.

  • Mary, From Giving Up on Perfect shared a delicious Chicken Enchilada Soup
  • Joy In My Kitchen Shares a yummy Crockpot Italian Sausage Soup
  • Rebecca, the lovely author of ToothWhale, shares her Chicken Soup recipe, which looks yummy and perfect for anyone who’s suffering from Post Bliss Blahs

y’all know the deets πŸ™‚

  • link back
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  1. Figured you were still recovering from Blissdom! It seems like everyone got so much from it, I am so happy to see that. And I hope to be there next year!

    As always, thanks for hosting this linky! πŸ™‚

  2. First time in your blog and loved it πŸ™‚ I shared my Indian Flat bread recipe . Hope you will like it πŸ™‚

  3. So many tasty looking recipes to try… I’m linking up my French Breakfast Puffs (muffins). They are delicious! Thanks for hosting!

  4. Rachel! I do hope you had a blast at Blissdom! I really should start going to a few of these bloggy things! I really want to meet so many of the wonderful bloggers out there! This week I am linking up a great traditional chicken paprikash that is just perfect for this cold winter! All the best! Alex

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