Snowman Milk


Snowman Milk for Holiday Gifts

Loving this adorable and delicious-sounding Snowman Milk recipe from the amazing, Carrian! I met today’s guest poster, Carrian, at Evo this past year and I absolutely fell in love with her.  Carrian is about as big as a minute, with a heart bigger than Texas, a smile brighter than sunshine and a personality that is sweeter than sugar.  Carrian is super talented, lovely, friendly and I truly wish I could put her in my pocket and keep her with me all year long.  Carrian’s blog – Oh Sweet Basil is not to be missed.  Seriously.

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…” Oh gosh, if I knew how to add cute little music notes I totally would have. But alas, I am awful with cutesy stuff. 😉

I can hardly believe that Christmas is almost here, but I had better get my act in order because I am ALWAYS the neighbor scrounging up neighborhood gifts at the last minute. Not this year, I am totally going to be ready, and I’m bound and determined to make sure you are as well.

Snowman Milk for Christmas Gifts

Every year my neighborhood would spread a little Christmas cheer to each other, and I loved it. I thought it was so sweet of the neighbors to bring around little gifts and goodies. However, my neighborhood’s gifts were a bit more involved than mine will ever be. Gifts could range from hot cocoa sets to handmade dolls. I kid you not, hand-made DOLLS. Not only am I not crafty, but a doll!! WOW. We had some sweet and talented neighbors. What really impressed me most though was that there was no comparing. Every neighbor was truly thrilled about the gifts they received no matter how big or small, and they were so gracious about it. I love that.

Since I’ve become, “a grown-up” (it’s true, I’m officially a big girl) I’ve realized just how much noticing others can mean to a person. It never was about the gifts growing up, it was always about spreading a little joy and love to those you lived by. You just never know what’s going on in someone’s heart, and how much something could mean to them. We should all take a moment this holiday season to shed light and love on such a fun time of year.

Cinnamon Milk 

So, without further ado, let me introduce you to a neighborhood gift that is easy, cute, and delicious. This is a gift my mom will often give out to those whom she loves around the holidays, and now you can do the same!
We like to call it snowman milk because it’s white but melts down like a melted snowman. I just know that you will love this hot, creamy, cinnamon drink as much as we do.



Snowman Milk

Delicious creamy cinnamon drink, snowman milk is a perfect handmade gift for the holidays.
Print Recipe


Cinnamon Milk Mix

  • 4 1/2 Cups Powdered Milk
  • 1 1/2 Cups Instant Vanilla Creamer powdered
  • 2 Cups Sugar
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons Cinnamon

Gift Packaging and Instructions

  • Cute jars or Mason Jars
  • Tags with instructions 1/3 Cup Cinnamon Milk Mixture, 1 cup Hot Water, stir and sip!


  • Pour all of the ingredients into a large bowl and whisk to combine. Pour into individual jars, and deliver to friends and family.
Servings: 25 servings
Author: Carrian Cheney - Oh Sweet Basil for A Southern Fairytale


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