I love the Shrek movies and I love Onions.

I go through a good dozen onions a week, red and yellow and white… I love onions.

I’ve been known to caramelize onions in butter just for the smell.

It’s comin’ up on slow cooker season and I have just made the most amazing slow cooker roast.

Seriously y’all, it might be the best most amazing slow cooker roast of all time.

To the point where it deserves caps… and a line of its own…

The Most Amazing Slow Cooker Roast of All Time with Onions and Carrots and other good stuff


I am so excited that sometime soon it’s actually going to get cool (or as cool as South Texas gets) and I’m ready to get my slow cookin’ on!

What are your favorite slow cooker meals?  I’d love links, recipes, thoughts, tall tales, history lessons… whatever 🙂

*** come back Monday for the life changing slow cooker recipe of onions and awesomeness and pot roast that will change your life 🙂


  1. http://chefmommy-brandao.blogspot.com/2011/02/slow-cooker-creamy-chicken-and-wild.html

    Is my current favorite slow cooker meal. It is easy and soo good. It makes a ton (fills my 6 quart) so I freeze it in individual servings. The rice gets a bit mushy after freezing, but it is still really good and comforting. The smell is fantastic and it just warms you up. I think it is even better when made with homemade broth. Which I also use my slow cooker for.

  2. já ouviu falar de arroz carreteiro? é um prato típico brasileiro, experimente que eu tenho certeza que não vai se arrepender. existe muitas receitas dessa maravilha, uma melhor que a outra!

  3. I consider onions to be the essence of flavour, I put them in almost everything I can. Whenever I’m in the kitchen frying onions, people always ask what your cooking because it smells delicious… The response “Just onions” 🙂

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