
This is my best picture of the week and sadly, it was taken with my iPhone because at a birthday party last night the Canon angrily flashed red and gray error messages at me every time I tried to take a picture. I tried everything I could think of and then resorted to calling Canon. When the extremely helpful Kent informed me that his system was telling him that if you see that message, it means the camera needs to be sent in immediately for service,thank the stars it’s still under warranty! I’ve only had it for not quite 11 months I nearly fell off the edge of sanity. He kindly talked me back from the brink.
So, first thing tomorrow it’s off to the mail store to package my baby up and send it off to be fixed.
The thing that worries me, Casey just informed me that it took 5 weeks to get hers back.
hold me

Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the adorable and snarky goddess known as Lotus. Visit her, be inspired and remember to take more pictures.

I’ll be over here in the corner in fetal position slowly rocking back and forth trying not to cry


  1. Awwwww I know the feeling, but I only sent in a lens.

    When you get it back you will fall back in love. It’s great.. LOL

  2. I can’t imagine life without my camera, I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you.

    On the plus side, you still got an adorable picture! I love it!

  3. Thank goodness for the iPhone! I hope you get your camera back soon!

    perpstu’s latest brilianceWeekly Winners #3

  4. Oh no! They should give out rentals in the mean time! I bought the warranty for mine; so should at least send it in to get cleaned…or drop it in water or something, right?

    I sure hope it doesn’t take 5 weeks!!

    Krystyn’s latest brilianceOnce upon a time…

  5. Five weeks?

    Oh man, I am so sorry. I hope it comes much sooner for you. There’s hope, yes?

    Hoping your camera covered it’s mouth and didn’t spread germs via the internet to my camera. LOL.

    OHmommy’s latest brilianceI’m wearing stilettos to BlogHer 2009

  6. I have to say your iphone did a nice job! Glad you didn’t miss that photo it’s adorable! I had a similar cameratastrophe in the summer and it took several week. I felt like an arm had been chopped off


    momranoutscreaming’s latest brilianceMy chocolate chip cookies

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