Doritos and Pickles, The breakfast of Monkeys and pregnant women everywhere

Seriously, y’all… Doritos and Pickle Slices. That’s what Monkey had at 7:30 AM for breakfast.

I know, I know.. just report me to the nutrition police and get it over with 🙂

More Wordless Wednesdays can be found here or here

No congratulations here… but the Lovely Loralee, the silly and Sarcastic Lotus, and my long absent but not forgotten bloggy buddy Amy have all recently announced their pregnancies so go over there and give them some happy, healthy morning-sickness-free wishes and love.




  1. Eww! And it looks like he’s eating out of a doggy bowl, too! How funny! Kids are so weird.

    For some reason, the only things I can can get my boy to eat lately are yogurt and goldfish crackers, so someone should probably call the nutrition police on me as well. 🙂 Those picky toddlers!

  2. He’s too cute and OH is that your loverly new flooring?

    DROOL…(forget the Doritos and pickles, mama craves new flooring.) 😉

  3. That’s a lot of pregnancies! Wow!

    And too funny about the breakfast. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. You should see my daughter’s dinners sometimes. Ha!

  4. Now that’s a combination! And it makes for a great pic and memory, right? He’s a cutie!

  5. lol, don’t worry about the nutrition police too much! They’re still busy with me from the day early last month that I fed my kid a Halloween donut and some candy corn for lunch.

  6. when my kids were his age, i was happy to get them to eat ANYTHING! lol
    and let’s face it, any moms out there that don’t admit their kids have eaten worse, are prolly lyin thru their teeth!

  7. So what’s wrong with that breakfast anyway ;)?

    Actually, I never had weird cravings when pregnant. Just cravings for sweet… no longer I blossomed over 45 lbs…

  8. Hotdog, Doritos and Prunes is what mine had for lunch…uh, YUCK!
    But ya gotta do what ya gotta do-right!?

  9. Eewwww! Of course, I strongly dislike Doritos at any time of any day. The pickles don’t sound bad, though. He’s a funny little guy!

    Oh, yes it’s Laughing Cow on the happy face lunch plates. We all love that stuff. The “eyes” are mini whole-wheat bagels with sunbutter (pb alternative).

  10. I want you to know that I ate both of those things today.

    PS – I think Klausen (sp?) is a superior pickle.

  11. What a cutie! I eat cookies for breakfast – I should swap them out for pickles!

    Hope you are having a good week, Rachel – see you later – Kellan

  12. Sometimes ya just gotta get the taste buds kicked into gear.

    At my age though, Doritos at 7:30 would have me popping Tums right and left…

  13. Hey, my little guy never wants breakfast food. It's always PB&J or fish sticks. I say as long as they're eating…

  14. I love you. Have I mentioned I love you? Well, I DO.

    This made a spectacularly crappy week better.(Dude. Came THIS close to deleting my blog.)

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