1. I LOVE this! Creative and dramatic.

    I love your blog! I saw you from afar at Blissdom, but never got the courage to just walk right up. LOL I’m such a newbie!

    Happy Wednesday!

    1. You are the sweetest thing! Thank you so much but OH I do so wish you’d come up to me! I promise I don’t bite and I would have loved to have met you and given you a hug! Next year, for sure!!!

    1. I can’t even respond.. I”m too busy laughing at your Comment Luv post title.. I have to come see it… “Arms by Jillian, butt by WordPress” *snort*

  2. How sweet is this photo?!

    P.S. I’m sooooo glad that we got to meet at Blissdom!! It was awesome to put a real person to the twitter name. 🙂
    .-= Angie from The Arthur Clan´s last blog ..~ The Drama of the New Camera ~ =-.

    1. Thank you, Angie.
      It was SO wonderful to meet you, drool over your AMAZINGLY hawt red shoes and to watch the light that you shine on everyone you meet.

      Can’t wait to spend more time with you, more time on I Heart Faces and hopefully see you soon!

  3. <3
    .-= Secret Agent Mama/Mishelle´s last blog ..100 Blissful Memories {Part IV: Around the Hotel} =-.

  4. I love this shot! I miss my princess. I read my students a book about disappearing footprints and shadows today so I will show them this way cool picture tomorrow. I’m sure they’ll all be trying this at recess.

  5. What a lovely shot…too cute!!

    .-= sweetlife´s last blog ..Sweet Life Loves Pasta – Long Ziti with Sweet Potato Sauce =-.

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