
Baby Jail Monkey Bed

After glowing recommendations from her and her and a week of no naps and late night Monkey Visits. I ordered this Crib Tent, and it’s my new favorite thing EVAH!

My Big Boy

No more high chair. This boy sits at a table and eats cereal just like Daddy.

My big girl shoes

Surprisingly comfortable and Super Sexy. I now have one pair of high heels and 10 pairs of flip flops πŸ™‚

Enough Freckles for 20 people

Dude, my arm looks huge. But, we sure are cute, and crazy freckled!! Notice the arms down there? Gotta love hubs’ friend K.

It’ll cost you

This just made me giggle. It was posted on the Kegerator at the wedding.

The wedding was a blast, but we stayed up way too late. I am too damn old to be out dancing until 2 AM. I’m still recovering, and trying to catch up on all that I missed.

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  1. I love the shoes!!
    I’m fascinated by the netting above the cot, I’ve never seen anything like it!

  2. Huge arm, whatever!

    I think that if a crib tent had been available when I was a baby, my mother would have gotten..oh..3 or 4. πŸ™‚

  3. Old…too old? You guys look really young and look like you had a great time!

    And, your arms look great to me!

    We just recently moved our daughter to a big girl bed so we could have the crib ready for #2…after several nights of her getting up, we just close her door. Now we wait until she can open it!

  4. Great shots, all! I love that sign, and that tent thingy rocks, too. What a cute couple you are. πŸ™‚

  5. What arms? You nutter. And, tootsie. Roar on the toesies. My heels of decay are jealous.

  6. You are gorgeous and not a huge arm to be seen…anywhere.

    Another one who is unfamiliar with the cot tent.

  7. The crib tent is absolutely mommy nirvana. My little one was just zipped up in his an hour ago.

    You are adorable and you have cute arms…and then those extra arms…hahaha.

  8. Great photos! Glad the wedding was fun.

    I almost bought a couple of those crib tents to keep the cats out of the cribs. Luckily, they are too scared to death of the kids to go near their beds. LOL!!

  9. Love that picture of ya’ll…your arms do NOT look huge.

    p.s. fabulous shoes and toes! I heare you on the flip flops sistah.

  10. First off, love the crib tent. The day that one of my kiddos learns to escape the crib, one will be on order!

    Second – you look adorable! From the cute shoes to beautiful you & your hot hubby. Love the freckles too!!! Looks like you had tons of fun!

  11. Sounds like the wedding was a blast!!!

    And I’m loving the crib tent. I wish we’d gone that route. When Connor started escaping the crib, we moved him to a toddler bed and sold the crib. Our other two kids had been moved into the toddler by before turning two years old, so I wasn’t worried in the slightest. But two (three?) months later, naptimes and bedtimes are a NIGHTMARE and I’ve resorted to setting up the playpen for him to sleep in at naptime when I really need to enforce the sleeping for the day. aughhhh!!!!

  12. You guys make one heck of a cute couple.


    So cute. No wonder your kids are adorable!

  13. Um. Huge arm?

    I sort of hate you. You are gorgeous!


    Love that bar sign! And your hubs? hubba hubba!!

    Pardon me while I flirt…!


    & great shoes! now I’ll stop babbling!

  14. You two are absolutely the cutest couple EVER! And I love the heels and the toes!

    Dancing until 2am sounds like so much fun! Of course, I’d be feeling it the next day.

  15. Oh yeah, crib tents rock my world! And you sooo do not have huge arms…girl. You are so adorable!

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