Dreams Take Flight on Butterfly Wings
butterfly shoes

Her Favorite Spot.. Does Anyone Notice a Color Theme?
princess at desk

Perpetual Motion… Ever Twirling, Whirling Dancing Her Way Into The Future
spinning princess

My Girl, My Princess.. She has a style all her own and I love to watch her rock it.Β  Thank YOU #OldNavy for giving us a back to school shopping spree and allowing Princess to spread her fashion wings.


More Wordless Wednesdays can be found here: 5MinutesForMom


    1. I kid you not, Jamie.. they are her FAVORITE shoes! She wants to wear them every. single. day. She snuck them off to soccer practice on Monday.. “argh” πŸ™‚ LOL.
      I love them, too πŸ™‚

    1. Thank You! She wanted to take a walk.. so I grabbed my camera and then she just started spinning.. I was SO glad that I had my camera with me. I love it too.. it just SCREAMS HER!

      MWAH <3 you Mish

  1. Just A-dorable!!! I love the dress with the boots too – I need her to give me some fashion advice πŸ™‚
    .-= Andrea @ Mommy Snacks.net´s last blog ..Printable Grocery Coupons | Sara Lee, Bagel Bites, Thermacare and more! =-.

    1. She definitely has MUCH better fashion sense than her momma πŸ™‚ I was surprised at how MUCH I love the boots with the dress πŸ™‚ Maybe she can start up Princess Fashion Consultation πŸ™‚

    1. Kat, my Sassy Irish Lassie, they have some pretty cool boots for the Queens, too πŸ™‚
      I love that kid, even on the days that I don’t like her much.. I need to print this picture to remind myself of that.

  2. Very cute! I love the little princess girls. Unfortunately, I didn’t get one. And my boy refuses to become a princess boy. Oh well. He’s a prince. =)
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..Monkey Man =-.

  3. Those shoes don’t happen to come in a women’s size 10 do they?
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..This is your brain on menopause =-.

  4. Those shoes are the awesomeness! I love her style. I also love watching my youngest daughter discover her own sense of style. Since it parallells mine, I love that even more!
    .-= dysfunctional mom´s last blog ..Right Place at the Right Time =-.

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