Weekly Winners is the brain child of the sweet and amazingly talented Lotus.

The Castle from hell

Toasting the Birthday Girl

Pinkilocks Poses

Swing Girl

He Tarzan, He Monkey

He Tarzan, She Princess Pinkilocks

TuTu Cute

The weekend was wonderful. My parents are fabulous and so are my friends. Princess had an amazing party.
The cake nearly killed me. I am not a decorator and the wonky 5 that kinda looks like an S is driving me insane. But it was worth it because the whole time 3hrs that I was decorating it she kept hovering around telling me it was the most beautiful cake she’d ever seen.

I love that child.



  1. Oh, the cake is perfect, Rachel. PERFECT. And, that tutu? Whoa. That’s some girlie girl going on. I think her do is very 1983 and so Cyndi I can hardly stand the cuteness – cause Girls Just Wanna. Happy Bday, Princess.

  2. oh. my. GAWD. the cuteness!

    and you totally rock the cakemaking thing. i would never ever ever have attempted something like that. (that’s why God made bakeries!!!!)

  3. It may have tried to kill you but it came out AMAZING! What a fabulous job. I love the pink, she’s such a big girl now =)

  4. I LOVE that you gave her pinkilocks. That is truly pinkilicious. E loves that book. What a great idea! You rock, mommy.

  5. I loooooooooooooooooove the pink locks! How absolutely girly and wonderful and lovely and sweet!!

    HAPPY wishes to your PRINCESS!

  6. You did an AWESOME job on that cake!! Truly! AH-Mazing!

    And I love her hair! So sassy!!

    (Now, on my way back to ogle your hubby’s forearms! Holy goodness!!)


  7. You rock my friend. Love love love her cake!!!! And her hair is so cute. (And the tutu…fabulous!)

    So glad she had a birthday fit for a princess!

  8. That cake looks fab!!!! I bet it tasted mouthwatering!!!

    She is too darn cute!!! Glad you had a fantastic weekend!

  9. I knew you’d pull off that cake to perfection.

    And that tutu – it’s gorgeous! And that girl in it – she’s even more so!

  10. The cake is amazing, Big.

    And don’t kids have the greatest timing? Right around the time you’re just about to lose it completely, they say something that just melts your heart. That’s how they keep you wrapped around their finger.

    She learned from the best.

  11. I cannot believe you decorated that yourself. And three hours? I am just going to put away the effing Betty Crocker cake decorating kit I asked for (and got) for Christmas last year away. Because, seriously, three houres? …No freaking way!

    Pretty pretty girl and it looks like a heck of a lot of fun. Rocco had his birthday party this weekend too. Photos are forthcoming!

  12. it IS the most beautiful cake. And so sweet that you made it. I love the pink curls. I covet the pink curls. Maybe that is what I should do tomorrow when I get my hair done…

  13. I bet it will always be the most beautiful cake she’s ever seen… and her mommy made it so it is even better. She is just such a cutie… Happy (belated) birthday, Princess!

  14. She is just too adorable!! I love the cake.. GREAT JOB MOM!!! And her hair!! I soo wish I had you as my mom.. that is the COOLEST!!

  15. The cake is perfect!

    Her hair turned out so cute, and I love that last picture of her!!!!!

    (I linked to you today, on an old Monkey post.)

  16. That cake turned out FABULOUSLY, and your 5 isn’t wonky, imo…

    LOVE the pinky curls!! how fun! Emily would LOOOOOOOOOOOVE to have that done at some point. Did they wash out pretty easily???? do tell….

    Looks/sounds like a great party. Can I put you in charge of Em’s when it rolls around? *grin*

  17. Spare me! It does not look like an ‘S.’ The cake is perfect for the pinkalicious one. So glad y’all had a great time!

  18. The cake came out fabulous! I cannot even begin to imagine how long that took. I know how long it takes me to bake pre-made Pilsbury boxed cakes 🙁

    She looks adorable with the pink locks and tutu!

  19. Happy belated birthday to Princess!! And if I had long hair, I would totally do that (and if I were a girl, ahem). That was so cool. Ah, I remember when my kid turned S…

    (don’t take my winkies away! I couldn’t resist!)

  20. I think the cake is PERFECT! Wow! You are way too hard on yourself. I get my cakes from the store. I’m sure you saw my disaster for Izzy’s second birthday. Mine doesn’t hold a candle to your beauty.

    And, wow, pink highlights? You are one cool momma! And, the tutu is tutu die for!

  21. The cake looks great! Also, I LOVE that you took her to get the pink highlights. I wish more moms would be so awesome!

  22. From someone who has decorated many a birthday cake, it looks great! The 5 looks fine to me.

    Glad Princess had such a great birthday!

  23. Ohhh Emmmm Geeee!!
    The cake turned out great!
    Her hair is GORGEOUS!
    How long did they say it would stay pink, just curious?
    And the last picture….priceless!

    Happy Birthday~

  24. You are totally selling yourself short — the cake looks amazing. It must have taken forever! And that tutu is FABULOUS! I’d love one for myself! 😉

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