I’m a bit in love with life through the lens.  I always have had a bit of an obsession with cameras and photography and only since delving into the blogging world and meeting such inspirations as Mishi and Karen and Maile and Lotus and Casey have I really spent time researching and learning and pursuing.  I am beyond blessed that my husband believes in me and believes in me so much so that he gifted me with a New Camera and that I met Tracey and learned about her Picture Spring online photography class.  Tracey’s daily prompts and hints and tips have given me the daily boost that I need to search out the pictures, think outside my normal vision and experiment.

Everywhere I look I see angles, DOF (depth of field), colors, perspective and composition.  I’m in heaven.

(If you missed out on Picture Spring.. Tracey is hinting towards a Summer Class in July, no matter what level photographer that you are or what kind of camera you have, I urge you to sign up as soon as you can.  I promise you won’t be sorry)

Day 19:  Words

picture spring day 19

Day 11:  Heart Shaped World

heart shaped rock

Day 14: Picture Canvas

Picture Canvas

Day 18:  Appreciation

grass is greener


  1. You’re gifted, for sure.

    I really like the sentiment in the words photo.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s most recent blog ..Project 365: Week 15 =-.

    1. Rebecca, you’re so sweet.
      Thank you.

      I think you’re pretty talented, friend. I am still so grateful and smile every single time I remember you coming up and introducing yourself at BlissDom. It seriously is one of the highlights of my trip.

      Me too. I am SO grateful for my Epiphanie Bag because of it I can carry my camera comfortably with me everywhere and catch pictures like that when I’m out and about. I love, love that sentiment. It just spoke to me.

  2. Tracey’s class has been so great for opening my mind and my lens to new views, angles, perspectives. I’ll have to remember to post a few of mine soon.

  3. You are a wonderful photographer, Rach, and I am honored that you find inspiration through what I do!
    .-= Mishi´s most recent blog ..Weekly Winners {The Bokeh & Benjamin Edition} =-.

  4. Oh the stone photo is cute! its amazing how mother earth churns out little surprises for us
    .-= Doll Clothes Gal Pal´s most recent blog ..How To Take Care Of American Girl Doll Curly Hair =-.

  5. Oh the stone photo is cute! its amazing how mother earth churns out little surprises for us

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