Yellow flower

I have talked before about challenging myself in my photography and there are some women are truly inspirational not only in their photographs but as people, too.

One of those women, Tracey, is teaching a one month photography class online called; Picture Spring.  Every morning we get an email with inspiration and a challenge for the day, there’s a gallery where we can share our pictures and comment, inspire each other, learn from each other.

I am so excited about this and I”ll be sharing all my pictures in my Picture Spring Flickr Gallery; that one up there is my first.  The picture for yesterday’s challenge.  It just shouted: “Spring! New Beginnings! Color! Pick ME!”

I hope y’all enjoy it and Thank you for all your support and love!


    1. Hey Miss Liberty:

      Okay, I started out 2 years ago with a Rebel XTi and had the 18 – 55 kit lens.. (meh) it’s a decent lens but there are SO much better lenses out there. Then, I bought the 50mm 1.8 and ZING DADDY I love it! I had a 10X2 HD opteka macro attachment for the 18 – 55 kit lens and it gave me amazing detail on my close ups!!!

      About 3 weeks ago (maybe) my husband blessed me with a camera upgrade. I am now shooting with (and learning) a Canon 50D it’s one heck of a camera. Sturdier, heavier and more involved than the XTi. I now have the 50mm 1.8 lens a Tamron 28 – 75mm 2.8 lens (love) and a Sigma 17 – 70 mm 2.8 wide angle macro lens which I GIANT puffy heart LOVE! I also have the 430 exii Canon Speelite external flash which is a GIFT for indoor shots and food shots. My lighting in my kitchen is AWFUL.

      I can share LOTS more, if you want! 😉

  1. Beautiful, Rachel! I wish my dinky little camera would do close up’s like that!
    .-= Krissa´s most recent blog ..The long awaited Henrietta Update =-.

  2. Precious and perfect. This one really speaks to me, Rachel. I love spring and, for me, yellow is its color. I like how the flower isn’t centered in the shot.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s most recent blog ..Next to Godliness: Products for everyday cleaning =-.

  3. I can’t wait to see where you go with this– I hope you’ll keep sharing pics! You have got quite the talent! 🙂

  4. beautiful beautiful photo!
    .-= Doll Clothes Gal Pal´s most recent blog ..Featured Product! – Doll Clothes That Fits American Girl Doll =-.

  5. That sounds amazing! I think I might try that out. I’m below amateur status as far as photography goes, but I do love it passionately. Did you hear my big news?? We’re expecting baby #2! I’m so excited!!
    .-= Tricia´s most recent blog ..Tricia’s Trend Report-Spring 2010 =-.

  6. Such a pretty picture! I wish I had any talent at all in that area…

    I’m hoping your gonna save my life and have a delish green bean recipe here somewhere, off to dig! xo

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