Search Results for: handmade holidays

Great Grandma’s Fruit Salad
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Great Grandma’s Fruit Salad

One of my first holiday memories is of my great grandmother’s fruit salad. Known to some as ambrosia or 5 cup salad, it was always “grandma’s fruit salad” at my family get-togethers. It’s always meant the holidays to me.  This year I’ll be making it again, along with other traditional goodies, but it’s this recipe…

Homemade Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans
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Homemade Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans

Hey all… I’m Tara from Unsophisticook, and I’m so thrilled that Rachel asked me to be part of Handmade Holidays #bakecraftsew this year! Unsophisticook is where I share my family’s favorite recipes and crafty ideas — hope you’ll check it out! Holidays are a hectic time of year for us all, and especially so for…

Pumpkin Bundt Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
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Pumpkin Bundt Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Hi, Southern Fairytale readers! This is Emily (again) from is this REALLY my life? and I’m so excited to participate (again) in this year’s Handmade Holidays: Bake, Craft, Sew Along because it gives me a dang good excuse (again) to whip up something yummy in the kitchen. Why all the agains? Apparently my fake blonde…