Search Results for: ice cream

Tis The Season

Tis The Season

For Baking and Cooking and sharing your favorite flavors and treats with loved ones. This Pumpkin Cake with Vanilla Bean Cream Cheese Frosting is one of my favorite treats to make for absolutely no reason at all, except that it’s the holiday season and during this time of year I find myself unable to resist…

Homemade Granola with Coconut Oil

Homemade Granola with Coconut Oil

There are many recipes that invoke powerful memories by their mere taste and smell,  homemade granola is one of those recipes for me. The scent of homemade granola whisks me back to childhood and bare feet, kiddie pools, crayons and laughter.   I’ve shared my own somewhat adapted homemade granola recipe with y’all before and…

Sunday Chronicles

Sunday Chronicles

How is it Sunday already? Where did the weekend go?  I am SO not ready for Monday! While I stomp my feet and pretend that it’s Saturday, here are a few of my favorite things from the internet and this past week: From Pinterest: 28 Things Your Friends and Family Need To Hear You Say…

No Peek Chicken

No Peek Chicken

This One Pan Chicken and Rice Bake aka No Peek Chicken is one of the most comforting foods, as well as one of the easiest to make in my comfort-food-kitchen arsenal. It’s savory and crunchy and tender and delicious and easy and yummy. This recipe came from my Granny’s recipe box. I really wish that…


Italian Nachos

iPhone only photos in a dark kitchen in the evening, I promise to make and photograph these nachos when I get back from Oregon next week! Have you heard of Italian Nachos? I’ve seen them mentioned on restaurant menus before, but I’m a Texan.. and to me, Nachos are crisp deep fried tortilla chips smothered…