or aboot as my darling Canadians say..

Like the two lovely ladies, Janice and Susan, Over at 5 Minutes For Mom.. um yep. I’m out and aboot over there today!
Do me a favor and go say Hi to them, wish them a belated Happy Birthday and see all the LOVELY things they had to say about me! I met them at BlogHer last week and I have to tell you.. they are absolutely adorable and personable and funny and holy hell y’all… Janice is like the energizer bunny on caffeine. Seriously. I may love them just a bit 😉 🙂

Mom It Forward Award

I’m also out and aboot today over at another one of my favorite sites, Home Ec-101.

Heather and Ivy are on vacation so I’m running their  Fearless Friday for them today and sharing my Texas Style Pulled Pork recipe! Go on over there and say Hi and see the nomminess of the recipe!

pulled pork sandwiches


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