One of my favorite things about blogging conferences are the people that I meet.

At Mom 2.0 Summit my other amazingly talented friend, Karen, introduced me to the designer of her ridiculously sexy and insanely gorgeous camera bag, which I did NOT at first realize was a camera bag and instead thought was a super stylin’ purse.

Karen and her Lola Epiphanie Bag Bag by Maile, Photo by Maile

Your Site Name - HOME_1269008360644 Bags by Maile, Photo from the darling  Tracey Clark

Those 3 bags up there:  Belle, Ginger and Lola, they’re kind of amazing.   If you want to see just what makes the inside of these bags so brilliant go to Maile’s Epiphanie Bags website!

This past Sunday, on my way home from SXSW, I stopped in New Braunfels and met Maile at a restaurant in New Braunfels, The Huisache (wee-satch for you Non-Texans) where we spent about 4 hours over a delicious bottle of wine and a mouthwateringly ridiculous cheese tray.  We laughed, we cried, we shared and I was inspired.  It was what an afternoon with a friend should be.

As we were getting ready to leave Maile wanted to walk around New Braunfels and take pictures; here’s the part where I think it’s going to be US taking pictures OF New Braunfels.  Oh NO>  Maile wanted to take pictures OF ME.  (faints)

It was more fun that I can explain although odd to be on the other side of the camera.  Maile is passionate about photography, she is amazingly talented and to spend that time with her as she shared her gift with me was nothing less than a blessing.  It was inspiring and a thing of true beauty to watch someone so passionate at work.

Maile, you’re a gift and I adore you.

Maile and Me

I urge you, whether you’re professional or amateur, a woman who just has to have her camera with her at all times, go now.  Check out the Epiphanie Bags site; I dare you not to fall in love with the bags and the woman who poured her heart into them and designed them.

Maile is also hosting a contest to win a Mark 5D body (SWOON) or $2500 Southwest Airlines Voucher: Go Enter! (or don’t because I really, really want that 5D body)

P.S. #2  Tracey is teaching the Picture Spring photography workshop starting April 1st.  Join me and others to be inspired and learn from this talented, lovely photographer.

Dear FTC and whomever else:  I wrote this because I adore Maile and I’m inspired by her.  This was written wholeheartedly by me with no compensation, payment or incentives.  This is all about a friend, by a friend.  xoxo Rachel


  1. Love the bags and I love Maile’s photography. If she lived in Houston, my family would have a million sessions a year with her. So much talent. In this post, you mentioned most of my favorite photgraphers. Can we see the pics Maile took of you? I’d bet they are fan-freaking-tastic!
    .-= elz´s most recent blog ..Love Thursday-Love Cooks! =-.

    1. Those are definitely 3 of my favorites 😉 Along with others!
      Seriously, if we lived closer I’d have my first ever family portraits done by her because she’s kinda awesome 😉 🙂

  2. I am resisting the urge to click over. Wait. No I’m not. I’ve got a birthday next month. Maybe I can send a link to some loving gods.

    Thank goodness for good friends. And, I bet the pictures of you are awesome.

      YES ~ you will love! Rumor has it she has new ones coming out for summer, too!!!
      xoxo Yes, Krystyn.. Thank goodness for good friends.

  3. I love The Huisache! We celebrated my great-grandmother’s 92nd birthday at The Huisache. She is at the AlzCare nursing home right next to the restaurant. Sometimes the visits with her are really hard since her memory is going; so I always take a few minutes after and walk through the cute shops around the restaurant to help me unwind before making the drive back home.

    Also, those bags are beautiful!

    1. Awe xxo

      I know exactly what you mean.
      We lived in New Braunfels for about 4 or 5 years and there’s something about that place, especially the downtown area that is simply good for the soul.

    1. The bags are seriously amazing. I warned Karen not to put hers down or it’d disappear 😉

      The cameras are addictive and amazing and I would never go back but, I have friends who are AMAZING photogs and use point and shoots!

      Thank you. YOU are a pretty great friend, too.

    1. It was WONDERFUL meeting you, too! 😉

      Epiphanie Bags are FABULOUS! Think about which one speaks to you, I HEART the red one but, when I ask my friends and hubby.. they all say :”you’re kinda turquoise,though” LOL.

    1. HEY YOU! Probably the same place that I’ve been.. crazy busy and immersed in life and living and growing and BEING!

      Thank you 😉 I love it 😉

  4. What a fantastic post! I feel very inspired and will be taking a look at the scrapbooking site, online courses and a community to share with…right up my alley. I feel a new hobby coming on 🙂 Thank you and your friend!

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