1. I just went to a pumpkin patch with my daughter yesterday and got lots of cute poses of her, so this really made me smile. And I love the fact that he’s lying in all the pumpkins – wish I had thought of that!

    1. I bet her pics are beautiful, as always!
      That was the only spot available and I just couldn’t see him sitting there. I want to take my daughter there and do the same! {{happy to inspire!!!} πŸ™‚

  2. What a little cutiepie!

    For some reason, google reader is showing your last post in July and I can’t get it updated. I even deleted your feed and added it again. Gosh darnit!! Any ideas?

    Anyway, I’ve also created a new blog: http://allthingscheilsea.blogspot.com.

    I’ve always posted from my old blog, The Brownings, before this.

    I hope you’ll follow along. Happy Halloween!

Talk to me!

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