Since it is hotter than Hades and you can simultaneously cook an egg on the sidewalk and steam the wrinkles out of your clothes in this humidity I am sharing with y’all one of my favorite summer treats from childhood.

Growing up my Aunt and Uncle had a beach house in Galveston and we got to spend a lot of summers there. Every night we would sit on their deck under the stars and watch the waves demolish our carefully constructed sandcastles, filling the moats and erasing all evidence of our hours in the sand. My mom would bring each of us a huge cup filled with Coffee Malt and we’d sit and talk for hours with the moonlight reflecting off our sunburned skin and glowing eyes.
Those are precious moments and every time I make a Coffee Malt I am instantly whisked back in time smelling the salt air and feeling the sand between my toes.

This drink represents summer to me like nothing else. I am thrilled to share it with y’all and I hope it cools you off and brings you and yours many happy memories, too.

oh yes. I despise coffee. D.E.S.P.I.S.E. I think it is foul stuff and yet these, I will inhale by the blenderful.

Coffee Malts

The Stuff:
* vanilla ice cream
* left over (cooled) coffee
* vanilla extract
* Malt, I use original Ovaltine
* Milk
* Blender

The How To:

Y’all this recipe is such a ‘little of this, a little of that’… I am going to do my best. It’s all about what flavor you want to stand out the most…. here’s how I do it.

I put about 1 1/4 C of coffee in the blender, then top with 4 huge scoops of vanilla ice cream, 1 Tbsp vanilla extract, 1/4 C Milk and 4 Tbsp Malt.
Then, I blend.
Remove top.
Add more ice cream to the desired thickness, and more coffee, vanilla and/or malt. It’s all up to your taste and thickness preference.

Blend, until it’s to your desired yumminess level, pour into big cups and share with someone you love.
Beware of brain freeze.


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  1. Oh heck yeah that looks AWESOME.

    Have to admit I used to be a coffee hater, but now I am a believer, nay a damn addict! 😉

  2. I don’t like coffee, but that looks delicious. And, I’ll tell you something I don’t tell other people. I don’t even have a reader. I dont’ know how to make one. I am lame, but a blogger’s dream because I always click.

  3. Mmmmm… that looks wonderful! Can’t wait to try it!

    I love, love, love coffee, but the caffiene hates me. So I’ll make mine decaf!

  4. Hey there awesome girl . . . have you ever considered writing a cookbook??? I’d be first in line to buy one!

  5. I LOVE coffee. I LOVE vanilla ice cream. I’m all over this. Screw frappuchinos, screw Ice Blendeds. This is it.

  6. yum! I think I may make extra coffee tomorrow a.m. just to have one of these tomorrow night. Way better than a $2 frozen coffee from starbucks. 😀

  7. OMGoodness I’m so gonna make this! Starbucks used to have a Mocha Malt and I loved it…but they discontinued! BOO

  8. YES! A recipe I can and will make! YAY! (I have good intentions with most, but this one? Maybe tonight even!)


  9. Rachel, this sounds so sweet and velvety. I bookmarked it, because (a) it’s my kind of drink and (b) it appears to be EASY to make – which for morons like myself is IMPERATIVE!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Hot, eh? Oy.

  10. This is similar to a coffee shake that I have made before. Except I am not a big fan of malt….I will have to give it a try. Coffee makes anything taste good. 😉

  11. I will so love this recipe!! I’m a coffee person. I could just hook up an IV.

    I’m super de duper late commenting on this, even though I read it the day it posted. I suck like that sometimes. I own it.

  12. Holy crap that looks and sounds so good. I came to your blog because we have the same name then I saw you are in HR, which I am too. How could I NOT?!

  13. You have the best recipes here! And I love all the pictures you post with them – you should publish a little blogger cookbook. Awesome!

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