More than Wordless, But less than wordy

All oiled up and nowhere to go

Monkey was tired and barely roused from his nap before I was sunblocking him up and getting him ready for his first river floating trip.

Where’s Waldo Monkey?

This amazing tree was by the river at the edge of the condos we stayed at in Gruene. It was massive and gorgeous.

My favorite cake in the world. I made this for our anniversary last week.

Get your groove on

Say hello to my little friend

I just got it today, now if only I could figure out how to configure the blasted thing.

Actual Wordless Wednesdays can be found here and here.


  1. That first pick CRACKED ME UP!!! That is too cute!
    And poop on you for the cake picture, cuz now I WANT CAKE!

  2. Great picture and the caption fits it fantastically! Oooooooooooh that cake looks wonderful too!

  3. He’s gonna really hate you one day mama for that first one. HA! 😉

    Princess looks so cute!

  4. Adorable pics!!! And I’m pouting in jealousy over the phone. I almost got one…but didn’t want to pay the extra $20 for the texting plan you need to have one *lol*

  5. Oh Rachel the pic of Monkey just kills me!! That is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. What a face he’s making!

    Cute cute pics. And the cake made me very hungry – it looks fantastic.

  6. I ADORE that first picture.. too cute!!

    And you will love the blackberry once you figure out what a beast it is!!

  7. That little Monkey face could be on the cover of his rock album later! With the hair and the baaaad look… so cute!

    So jealous of your Blackberry. I want one.

    But that would be like giving a crack addict and travel mirror and straw.

  8. i have that same phone! it’s a bit of a pain figuring out at first, but once you got it all cofigured it’s awesome!

    love that first pic of monkey… very funny!

    that cake looks so yummy!

  9. You must post the recipe for that cake!
    And you’ll love the Blackberry, it took me awhile, but I’ve got it figured out, let me know if you need any help.

  10. You find a way: I’ve just returned to my lower carb ways and you post the elixir of the gods. I’m licking the screen trying to get that cake.

  11. very very cute! That tree wouldn’t have looked like anything extravegant had Monkey not been in there for size comparison. WOW what a huge tree that was!

    Princess is hula-ing her cares away!

  12. Gotta love a sleepy greased monkey!
    Off to make some fried chicken strips!!! I’ll let you know how it goes.
    Blessings, E

  13. Cute.

    You really ought to start just a cooking blog. I would LOVE to know how you made that cake. I am envious of your talent, my friend!

  14. Great pictures. What a fabulous tree – WOW! Hope you had fun in Gruene – hope to see you the next time through or maybe I’ll come knocking at your door this summer.

    Take care – Kellan

  15. I am typing this post on my exact blackberry. It is the BEST!!!! But watch out, it is killer addicting.

  16. That first picture is the BEST! Love it!

    And that cake made my mouth water. Recipe, please?

    I’m liking your new little friend. That’s the one I wanted but my budget couldn’t handle it.

  17. Great pictures! That ice cream cake has me salivating all over the keyboard! It looks delish!

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