Monkey See ?

Monkey Spoiled

I’m not sure what this says about their relationship that the almost 2 year old has the almost 5 year old relieving his stress.
Welcome to The Southern Fairytale spa? Would you like a sippy cup of milk with that swedish massage?

The people who make up this blogging community are amazing, compassionate, generous people and they jump to aid when one of their own is down.
The Nielson family are the ones who are down right now. On August 16th, Stephanie and Christian Nielson were in a terrible private plane crash, one which their flight instructor did not survive. Their story can be found here. If you have never read their blog, you have missed out.
Sue and some other bloggers are getting together to publish a book written by bloggers. All proceeds of the book will be donated to the Nie Nie Fund.
The book needs content though, would you like to help?
Click here to find out how you can help make a difference.



  1. Well, being the kid of a blogger IS indeed stressful. I mean, how many gobs of chocolate does one have to ingest to get the perfect shot? And you think balancing cheerios on your nose is good for spinal alignment? I binky and deep tissue massage is just what the doctor ordered!

  2. Hi Racel,

    Thanks for visiting my blog the other night….your kids are adorable…what a cute post!!

    A massage therapist in the making!


  3. LOL – too funny! I guess that means the little guy know just how to get his big sister to do what he wants.

    Happy WW 🙂

  4. We think it’s incredible how the whole blogging community is coming together for the Nielson family, who really needs it right now.

    That picture of your children is adorable. What stress can that little guy?! hehe Your daughter needs to start charging for her services. :o)

  5. Your kids are so cute! What a sweet post. And, save that picture to show them again in fifteen years. lol

    I’ve heard about the couple whose plane went down. My heart hurts for them.

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