1. We had a great day. It was just the four of us at the house πŸ™‚ we decorated and played and ate and just spent time being us. It was lovely. <3

      Happy Thanksgiving, love!

    1. Thanks, C.C. πŸ˜‰

      You think I’m early — some of my friends and neighbors decorated LAST week! (shakes head) πŸ™‚

      Usually we decorate the day AFTER Thanksgiving or the weekend after, depending upon when we get home from traveling –this year we were home and I love the magical feeling my house takes on when it’s been decorated πŸ™‚

      Plus, it’s just so fun to see the wonder and joy in the kid’s eyes πŸ˜‰

      Thank you for the compliment πŸ˜‰ xo

  1. Pure magic…what a beautiful capture…so much in that moment. I can totally wrap my heart around it. Just wonderful. This time of year is so wonderful!!

  2. We’re putting up our tree this weekend. A wee earlier than normal, but Jumbster loves the lights and heck, it’s not like I have a life. I love that photo. You need to come to my house and take magical shots like that.

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