1. Oooohhh! That muddy baby! I could just eat him up! I guess I’ll settle for that burger. It’s not bad looking itself!

    Happy WW!

  2. oh how funny. my little boy did the same thing at the beach. he loved to eat and roll in the sand. great blog!

  3. Oh, that looks so good. All of your food shots do!

    And that monkey is as adorable as ever!

    I’ve missed “visiting” you. πŸ™

  4. Very cute baby. Looks like he’s having fun! The burger looks great, but not for my diet!

  5. I think I gained a pound just looking at that burger!

    And Monkey – that definitely is just life!

    Happy WW!

  6. okay you’re making me hungry! lol
    those are fantastic. i love the mud face! lol I’ve got one of my 2nd son like that!

    btw, I love your header it makes me laugh everytime I see that cute little monkey!

  7. too cute! that’s a great picture of monkey. what’s fun without some mud? πŸ™‚

    burgers… yum ….

  8. OMGosh! That first picture is so absolutely adorable!! He looks like he’s having so much fun!!! I want to play at the beach!!

  9. Monkey and Connor would get along GRANDLY in life, I tell you! They could be “The Mudsy Twins” ha!

    And that burger seriously looks amazing!

  10. OH!! Onions rings are my weakness. Maybe I’ll go buy a bag of Funnyuns and eat them while I look at the screen.

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