1. awesome action shots! Mine always send up as a big blur. I am sure that she had a wonderful time. πŸ™‚

  2. Thank you so much for your comments! I’ve been catching up on your page for the past couple of weeks and I looooove it, especially the banner across the top!
    These are great pics, btw! She looks so happy! Reminds me of my great childhood. πŸ™‚

  3. LOVE your pics! Thanks for stopping by! I tried to access your “other” blog…guess I need an invite, huh?

    Love your blog too, I will check in often!

  4. That’s the key to a good leaf jump – having someone patient enough to rake and rake and rake.

    This brings back childhood memories. Love the pictures.

  5. Adorable photos…but i can’t get over the fact that she’s wearing summer clothes.


    Stupid winter.

  6. Rachel… awesome pictures in mid-action. WOW!

    I can’t wait to get outside. If Spring does not arrive soon, I might just have to plan a trip to YOUR house. LOL

  7. Amy, it so does! We were just watching videos of her from 1 year ago and I am absolutely floored at the growing and maturing she has done in the last year, it is unreal!

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