
Crispy, Lacy Flavorlicious

(Stuffed) Dog Racing

3rd Generation Chocoholic

Roasted, Spicy Taste Explosion

The fantabulous Lotus is the creator and photogoddess behind Weekly Winners. Pop on over, be wowed, be amazed and show some love for her and all the other WW participants.

Don’t forget we’re blogging the recession so if you’re reading this through a reader, click on over and read me live!


  1. Aaah … another chocoholic in the making. I love it! What was the first picture of? It looks delicious!

  2. Zucchini, Squash, Garlic, Scallops sauteed, mixed with cream and panko breadcrumbs.
    then topped with more Panko and fresh grated Parmesan and popped into the oven for a while πŸ˜‰
    It was heavenly. Hubs looked down his nose at it and then devoured 3 helpings.

  3. Oh my word Rachel, he’s getting so big!

    Now I’m wondering when you’re going to head down this way and cook for me? πŸ˜‰

  4. YUM and even MORE YUM since I started my diet yday – so I can drool over that without the calories!

  5. Oh, your monkey looks like a kindred spirit. I think I’ll go jump in a vat of Hershey’s chocolate now. Yum!

  6. Hi hope that first picture ends up as a Mouthwatering Monday feature soon. πŸ™‚

    P.S. I’m making your Garlic Beet Stir Fry for dinner tonight. πŸ™‚

  7. YUMMO that zucchini and the corn looks delish!!
    Love the chocoholic shot, what a cutie!! πŸ™‚

  8. I MUST try that corn recipe… looks so delish.

    And that choco picture… haha!!

    I loves squash too..

    Oh the choices, the choices πŸ˜‰

  9. Your food pics make me hungry, and I just ate! :O)

    I think ‘dog racing’ is my fave – too silly! And sometihng the kids do around here, but with our real dog.

    Great set!

  10. dinner is at 6 here. can you get here in time to cook for us? πŸ™‚

    and there is nothing better than a chocolate face!!!

  11. Chocolate and corn on the cobb – two of my most favorite things! What great pictures!

    Thanks for your sweet comment today – I feel the same about you – truly! I was telling another blogger we know mutually recently how much I just love you!

    Have a good evening – see you soon – Kellan

  12. The chocolate picture is just flipping adorable.. how long does it take to clean him after an episode like that?? Hahahahaha

  13. I’m starving and seeing this 15 minutes before dinner isn’t helping any.
    Great pictures… I almost bit the computer screen!

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