The signs that Spring is coming are starting to show up everywhere.

Sidewalk Chalk art is making appearances on driveways and walkways around town.

Blue Skies, Green Leaves, Vibrant Colors and Buzzing Bees all signs that Spring is breaking through, dusting off her flip flops and getting ready to don her crown of flowers and wave her wand that will wipe away the last vestiges of the dreary grey, cold winter and usher in the warm colors, sounds and smells of Spring.
mountain laurel and bee

Last, but not least, kids dressed in Sunday Best waiting to see the Easter Bunny.

Beginning to Look a Lot Like Spring

What are your favorite signs of Spring?

Don’t forget… Sunday is Daylight Savings.. Time to “Spring Forward” one hour!


  1. For me, it’s when the crocus and daffodils start poking up in my front yard. It may be rainy here today, but the sunshine the last couple days have started the budding process and that tiny glimpse of purple and yellow is so cheering. Bring it on! 🙂
    .-= Maria´s most recent blog ..Bye Bye, Mommy! =-.

  2. Beautiful pictures. I love the flowers. Seeing everything in bloom and all the baby animals makes me think of Spring. And all the Easter stuff coming out screams spring for me.
    .-= Kel´s most recent blog ..Wordless Wednesday – My Rob =-.

    1. Thanks, D 🙂 I love taking pictures of kids things.
      Tulips are so beautiful. For me it really is the flowers and especially the bluebonnets!

    1. Absolutely! I”ll pack his bag and send him right over 😉 He’s not too young to travel alone to Nashville, right? (giggle)

      He and Bear would have SO much fun together!

    1. Snow? What is this snow you speak of, Sarah?
      Half our yard is green and half is brown.. it’s kind of weird but, the fact that there’s some green is a definite sign of Spring!

    1. I didn’t even pose him 😉 He just sat down and I was framing up the shot for the school Easter Pics and HAD to snap him 😉 He’s such a ham!

    1. We’ve already got some bluebonnets along the highway and it makes me SO happy!!! I’m going to drive the kids towards San Antonio next week and find a patch of them and do pics!!!
      LOVE Texas springs! (summer, not so much) 😉

  3. I can smell the photos in this post and it makes me miss Memphis…Chicago is still a few weeks away from flowers and greenery. That said, the heat is off and the cat is clearly in the midst of Spring fever. Waking up to sunshine is heavenly.

    Also…how handsome is N in his madras?!

    1. BRRR Jessi 🙂 I’m glad that the heat is at least off, that’s something, right?
      🙂 That’s a HUGE compliment, thank you.

      I know, right 😉 He LOVES those shorts and picked them out himself! (Thank you, Old Navy!!! They have the CUTEST little boy shorts this season)

      He wants to wear them every. single. day. with boots, even.

  4. love the picture of your little guy – adorable

    For us in cold MN, it feels like Spring anytime the temp is above 45. Actually, we still have a mix of snow and slush on our lawn … it’s been raining now for days and that’s taken some of it away … so much so that we’ve discovered the kids left some rakes in the leaves that eventually got snowed on – AHA! there they are! oh well
    .-= Mela Kamin´s most recent blog ..Olympics – who are you cheering for? =-.

    1. Ha Ha HA Ha HA! I love it! Rakes that spent a winter under the snow.. that sounds like a children’s story a good blog post, at least 😉

      Thank you, I think he’s pretty adorable 😉

    1. It IS Mountain Laurel, I LOVE Mountain Laurel. My whole front of the house smells amazing when that tree/bush blooms. I wish we had a whole yard full of them 🙂

      YAY spring!

    1. Thank you, Miss Sue 😉 I adore Sidewalk chalk and I was pretty much on the ground taking that shot with my father in law giving me a strange look 😉 😉

      Thanks, 😉 I think he’s purty darlin’!

  5. Definitely has to be the dogwoods in bloom! There’s this one street that almost makes a canopy of the street with dogwoods. But, the first sign is the daffodils. Love it!

    1. HA HA! You silly girl 😉 Yes, someone made a comment the other day about white feet and legs 🙂
      I bet you’re getting some amazing photos of the budding spring!

  6. You know, it’s kind of hard to say… It stays fairly green down here through the winter, just not nearly as pretty somehow. I love the different smell and the fact that the shade of green gets so bright!
    .-= Krissa´s most recent blog ..HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME! ok, and john, too. =-.

    1. Don’t they say that “April Showers bring May Flowers” So, if y’all are having rain now.. maybe you’re in for a blooming spring!!!

    1. Wow! Since, January! We don’t really have much of a winter down here in South Texas but, we don’t get things in bloom the whole time either.

      Thanks 🙂 He loves that outfit and wants to wear it all the time! I think he and it are pretty darlin’

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