I think that my kids’ favorite meal is breakfast.
Pancakes, cereal, eggs, bacon, biscuits, sausage, fruit cups — you name it, they love it.Β  They’d eat breakfast for every single meal which makes brinner a giant winner at our house πŸ™‚ (see what I did there — I rhymed)

One of my family’s favorite treats is Monkey Bread; I adore Monkey Bread, the butter, the caramelization, the crisp sugar, the soft dough — good gracious, I’m making myself hungry.

Y’all may not realize that you know Monkey bread– it is alsoΒ  known as pull apart bread and then there’s the version my mom makes with a package of caramel pudding mix — baked caramel ring. YUM.

Chances are, if you’ve stayed at my house more than once, I’ve made monkey bread and bacon and fruit and mimosas for you for breakfast.

In my eyes, there’s pretty much nothing wrong with monkey bread — except how long traditional monkey bread takes to bake!!!Β  It can take 40 minutes or more!Β I am a bit impatient when I’m hungry (do y’all feel me?) So, I decided that there simply MUST be an easier and faster way to make monkey bread.

As it turns out, there is, and — I do believe that I’ve come up with a faster, prettier and I think even tastier version of the giant bundt cake ring version.

These tonguegasmic little individual monkey breads are not only delicious, they’re cute and they make for such a yummy and pretty photograph.

individual monkey bread bites

One of the best things about Monkey Bread is that it’s crazy easy to make, requires very few ingredients and it’s kid friendly.

My kids love to shake the dough bites in the sugar and cinnamon — seriously, this can keep them busy for 10 minutes!

Here’s the breakdown: Take 2 cans of 10 count buttermilk biscuits, cut each biscuit into quarters and shake in a bag with 2 C sugar and 2 Tbsp cinnamon, once each quarter of dough is fully covered, put 6 or so dough bites into each muffin cup

monkey bread dough

Melt 2 sticks of butter, 2 Tbsp vanilla and 1/2 C of brown sugar together, stirring frequently until completely melted and the sugar is dissolved and it’s a golden brown color

Pour into the cups over the cinnamon sugar covered dough bites, you don’t want to completely fill the cups to the top — just about 3/4 of the way

monkey bread and butter

Bake at 350 for about 25 minutes, remove from the oven and turn them out onto a platter — serve them up in cute little ramekins or whatever decorative dishes you have on hand.

See how adorable these are!!!Β  And I promise, they’re 100 times more delicious than they are adorable πŸ˜‰

individual monkey breads

So here y’all are — the adorable, delicious, tonguegasmic individual Monkey Bread recipe.Β  Make these for Christmas morning, birthdays, just because the day ends in Y — whatever, just make these!Β  Everyone will thank you! [/donotprint]

Individual Monkey Breads

These individual monkey bread servings are perfect hot out of the oven, or 24 hours later. Caramelized bite size pieces of breakfast heaven. Enjoy!
Print Recipe


  • 2 10 count cans of buttermilk biscuits
  • 2 C sugar
  • 2 Tbsp cinnamon
  • 2 sticks of butter
  • 2 Tbsp vanilla
  • 1/2 C brown sugar


  • pre-heat your oven to 350 F
  • cut each biscuit into quarters
  • Put 2 C sugar and 2 Tbsp cinnamon in a bag and mix, add the biscuit quarters and shimmy shimmy shake them until all the quarters are fully coated
  • Place 6 or so biscuit quarters in each muffin cup
  • Melt 2 sticks butter, 2 Tbsp vanilla and 1/2 C brown sugar over low-medium heat, until fully melted and the sugar has dissolved resulting in a gorgeous golden brown, dark caramel color (stir frequently)
  • Pour the butter mixture over the muffin cups until each is about 3/4 filled
  • Place in the pre-heated oven and bake for about 25 minutes
  • Remove from the oven and immediately turn over onto a platter so that all the ooey gooey caramelized vanilla butter sugary goodness tips out and covers the monkey bread bites in their hot lava caramelized goodness.
  • if you have some cute little ramekins or serving dishes, place a monkey bread cup into each one and use a spoon to drizzle more caramelized yumminess over each cup.
Author: Rachel



  1. Great idea for quicker Monkey Bread. Now I think I will make it for DS for tomorrow morning. He leaves for school before 7 a.m., so time is of the essence (and by that I mean I don’t want to get up any earlier than I have to!)

  2. The name of the game is fast around here – I cook so much in my muffin pan. Meatloaf, cornbread, cupcakes…all in the name of getting dinner out of the oven quicker. This is a great idea, and one I’m definitely adding to the list! Of course, I’m still working on perfecting a gluten free version, but this is awesome!

  3. I really thought this was a creative idea! My kids dont like to share so an individual serving sounds like a great idea to me thanks for sharing this.

  4. Okay. I’ve never had Monkey Bread (don’t throw rotten tomatoes at me for such a crime, please!)…but this looks so easy and delicious…holy cow I’m making these on Christmas Morning. Saving the recipe this very minute!!

  5. You will never know how happy you’ve made me with this idea! I love making monkey bread, and the last time I made it for a party I almost lost a hand while reaching for some (seriously, I think I got 2 pieces of dough and then it was gone). We’re having an “apps and dessert” Christmas party next weekend and these would be perfect! THANK YOU!

  6. My mom was a monkey-bread maker. (She’s still around, but we’re not at her house for breakfast as much as we used to be. ;)) I think having breakfast for dinner is the key to enjoying some of the best breakfast foods. I need to remember that more often when I’m thinking about what to make for dinner.

    1. ABSOLUTELY!!!

      I just don’t have enough and — you still have to flip them upside down so that the gooey caramelized crispy part will be on top instead of the bottom…

      but, you could and then just use two forks to turn them inside the ramekins! πŸ˜‰

      I need more ramekins! πŸ™‚

  7. I’ve never heard of monkey bread but have clearly been missing out…so I’m going to have to print out this recipe and maybe even give it a try this weekend. Of course I’ll have to use real biscuit dough because Germans quite possibly have never even heard of biscuits but oh my gosh do these sound awesome!

  8. Love me some monkey bread! I’m making these for my unit’s Christmas party this year instead of crabbies.


  10. hey i just read your recipe and i love it i made this in school but it took soooo long. anyway how many servings does this make? i need to know soon because i want to make this when i go to the Ronald McDaonald house saturday afternoon. please respond thanks.

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