Haiku Friday and
and my brain is feeling dull
Have you Fought the Frump?

Have you entered in
my Baby Jamz Giveaway
only three days left

Gymnastics today
Princess perfected her bridge
wants to show it off

That’s all I have now
Grey Matter is depleted
Thanks for dropping by

Better and more original Haikus can be found here

*Are you a Texas Blogger? Do you know one? Blogging Across Texas is Here! E-mail me to find out how to join a Texas Bloggers Society and join some of these fabulous Texans: Amy, AnglophileFF, Meg and more!


  1. does it count if you used to be a texan? my kids are the 6th generation born there… but we are not traitors. first to co and now ot thailand…

  2. Smooches tootsie. I, too, was not firing on all synapses. Good luck. Happy (?? is that right?) Good Friday.

  3. Janet
    That’s why I started that site, so that Texas bloggers could find each other and communicate 🙂 So far, nobody by me 🙁 Oh well 🙂

  4. Great haikus!

    Not even close to Texas, unfortunately… have never been to that fair state. I’d love to visit sometime. Looks like it may take a while to get through the whole state… I’m used to Rhode Island, which I believe it about the size of Houston! 🙂

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  5. I would LOVE to be a Texas blogger.

    Like…. actually LIVE in texas. Can you believe it is snowing now and we will have 1/2 foot for tomorrow’s Easter egg hunt at our church.

    Yes. Ummmm… I would love love love to be a Texaz blogger!

Talk to me!

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