In case you live under a rock, haven’t had access to the internet over the past two years or have zero interest in photography — let me introduce you to I Heart Faces,Β  a photography website with weekly photo challenges for all levels of photographers.

The darling Co-Founders, Amy & Angie make sure that you’ll find great photo editing tutorials, camera tutorials, photography tips and giveaways each week.

(and they do #justsayin’)

During their trip toΒ  BlissDom in Nashville, Amy & Angie took photos of bloggers (including me)Β  and told us it was for a secret fun upcoming project.

Well, because I love Angie and Amy and respect them and stalk them learn so much from them; I plopped down and tried not to drool over Angie’s lens as she took my pictures.

Blogger - Rachel3

Well, they’ve announced the surprise project!!!!

Gmail - I Heart Faces - Faces to Love Project - asouthernfairytale@gmail.com_1302145762620

They are calling it Faces to Love – Blogger Makeover Project.


Blogger - Rachel2

To make it even more fun… they want to give one of YOU, my readers, a photo makeover as well!!
I will be choosing one lucky reader who will get themselves made over photoshop style! Amy & Angie will work their magic on a photo you provide them.

They will then send you several images to use on your blog, Facebook profile or Twitter Avatar.

This is so exciting and such a fun and exciting opportunity!Β  I can’t wait to see who wins!!!

To be entered to win a make-over for your photo. Just leave a comment below!

To be entered for more chances to win:

β€’ Visit I Heart Faces and leave a comment on their blog post about today’s I Heart Faces – Faces To Love Project.

β€’ For even more chances to win, visit the other two foodie bloggers featured on I Heart Faces today!

β€’ Tell your friends about this giveaway via Facebook or Twitter. (Leave a comment here with a link to your FB and/or Twitter entries.)

(you have up to 5 chances to win!)

This contest ends on Wed. April. 13th at 10 pm. Winners announced on Friday April. 15th.


  1. I’m not entering the contest, just wanted to say what a beautiful photograph of you. Your eyes are gorgeous and you are so cute!

  2. Wow what a beautiful picture, your eyes are stunning! Angie did a great job.

    I love your blog and all you do with it, it’s great that you bring bloggers together through your food and photos! Great Job!

    I’m ready for a makeover too!

  3. I need this because every pic I have of me is with a kiddo on my lap. Either that or I’m trying to find one of my kids just as the pic is snapped. It’s a miracle I even get in a photo at all – no wonder I always look distracted!

  4. Wow, great ideas! I came here to sign up for a chance at the free giveaway makeover sponsored by @iheartfaces and had to sign up for you wonderful blog. Great recipes. Maybe I will win so I can update my profiles and meet that special someone in my life! ha ha Great photo of you!

  5. Oh, my Good-ness! This would be so amazing for me… because… I’m renovating my website and gearing up for my blog to be linked to it. Sure would be nice to have a fancy-shmancy personal photo for all my goings-on! Oh, I’m following you on Instagram. Look for me, too! πŸ™‚

  6. Not entering the contest, but I just had to comment to say:
    You look gorgeous as usual Rachel!

    I love how every time I visit your blog, it feels like it’s infused with this vibe… fun, sweet and full of personality, just like you!

  7. This is too cool giveaway. I am pumped that Brodget and the other sites linked you since I really like your site. Of course, we Texans got to stick together!

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