Monkey Bread


Doesn’t that picture just make your mouth water? Monkey Bread is one of my favorite breakfasts because it’s easy, delicious, has a fun name, and it’s so versatile.

Printable Recipe Below 


* 2 cans of buttermilk biscuits (10 biscuits per can)
* 1/2 Stick of butter
* Sugar
* Cinnamon
* Vanilla
* Optional: Apples, Brown Sugar, Walnuts, Coconut, Raisins, Cranberries
How To:
Pre-heat oven to 375. Lightly spray a bundt pan. I use the Butter Spray with flour for baking.
In a large ziploc bag combine roughly 2 C of white sugar with a couple of teaspoons of cinnamon and a dash of Brown Sugar (optional). The exact measurements on this are at your discretion, it’s a taste preference.
Tear or Cut each biscuit into 4 pieces. Drop the biscuit pieces into the bag and shake vigorously until well coated. Drop the biscuits into your bundt pan, it’ll fill it about 1/2 way. If you want to add nuts, coconut, apples anything of this sort, add them in between layers of biscuits.
In a small saucepan over medium heat bring 1/2 stick of butter, 1 C sugar and roughly 1 tsp of vanilla to a boil.
Pour this evenly over the biscuits in the bundt pan.
Cook for about 25-30 minutes.
The Monkey Bread will look like this when done:

Take your Bundt pan and flip it over onto a wire cooling rack.
This is what you’ll see.

Give the Monkey Bread a few minutes to cool off before you tear into it because the Sugar Coating is like Molten Lava.
Are you drooling yet?
If you can’t wait.. Just use forks to tear it into pieces.

Nom Nom Nom

Monkey Bread Recipe

Easy and delicious, Monkey bread is a fun weekend breakfast. Dripping with caramelized sugar and cinnamon, it's easy to pull apart and share.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:25 minutes
Total Time:35 minutes


  • 2 cans of buttermilk biscuits 10 biscuits per can
  • 2 Cups + 1 Cup white granulated Sugar divided
  • 2 teaspoons Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1/2 Stick 1/4 Cup butter
  • Optional: Apples Brown Sugar, Walnuts, Coconut, Raisins, Cranberries


  • Pre-heat oven to 375°F. Lightly spray a bundt pan. I use the Butter Spray with flour for baking.
  • In a large ziploc bag combine roughly 2 C of white sugar with a couple of teaspoons of cinnamon and a dash of Brown Sugar (optional). The exact measurements on this are at your discretion, it’s a taste preference.
  • Tear or Cut each biscuit into 4 pieces. Drop the biscuit pieces into the bag and shake vigorously until well coated. Drop the biscuits into your bundt pan, it’ll fill it about 1/2 way. If you want to add nuts, coconut, apples anything of this sort, add them in between layers of biscuits.
  • In a small saucepan over medium heat bring 1/2 stick of butter, 1 C sugar and roughly 1 tsp of vanilla to a boil.
  • Pour this evenly over the biscuits in the bundt pan.
  • Cook for about 25-30 minutes.
Course: Breakfast
Servings: 1
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale

If you like this recipe – check out these adorable Mini Monkey Breads!

I serve this with Milk, Coffee, and Fresh Fruit. It’s fabulous for Brunches, Holiday Breakfasts, Bible Studies, Baby Showers, you get the idea.



  1. That looks wonderful! I love Monkey bread. My aunt used to make it for us when we would go visit her on the coast. She has Alzheimers now, and we sure do miss her making that monkey bread.

  2. I love love love monkey bread. And the kids have so much fun making it. Whoever invented it was a genius!

    xo ~K

  3. Ions ago, I cut a monkey bread recipe from the Heloise column. (At least I think that’s what it was.) I love love love monkey bread, but hid the recipe because I could devour an entire one in a sitting.

    Thanks for making me want to fall off the wagon! hehe

  4. Oh yummmmm that looks great! I’m going to have to make it.

    Hope it’s ok if I share a savory version to try. Roll each ball of dough in melted butter, then roll in grated parmesan cheese and bake. Not healthy at all but it tastes really good.

    The hostess made it one night when I was invited over for dinner. It was a big hit.

  5. Your hubby is so lucky to have you toots. I don’t even own a bunt pan. But, that does look tonguegasmically deelish.

  6. That looks delicious! I didn’t know toungegasmic was a word – but I’m going to be using it from now on! 🙂

  7. Oh, I love Monkey Bread – YUM!

    Hope you had a good Memorial weekend, RAchel – see you later – Kellan

  8. Have you tried the one with cream cheese… It is yummy too. I have been a monkey bread addict since birth!

  9. I love this stuff. My method is slightly different but I bet it comes out the same.
    I haven’t had it in years!

  10. Ummm…so hungry!

    My hubby has been requesting this for a while now!

    Just need to buy a bundt pan!

  11. That looks so good! My mom used to make something similar with lots of raisins and walnuts. Mmmm.

  12. Oh – I haven’t made monkey bread in probably 13 years! Yum… Guess what I’m doing this weekend??

  13. Yummo is what it is!

    I just added my post from making this, oh and your linked:)

    But please be easy I am only a novice at this cooking game.

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