A very good friend had a birthday this past Thursday and when I asked her what she wanted – she said; “Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting
This kind of stumped me because before then, I had never made Chocolate Frosting.

I’m not a frosting person by nature, unless you count Texas Sheet Cake or Coconut Pecan Frosting because those, I can and have eaten by the giant spoonful.

However, since she’s a good friend and I love a challenge I scoured Granny’s recipes, a couple of cookbooks and ze internets – whipped out my KitchenAid and got to work

mixer cupcakesI sifted together powdered sugar, cocoa powder and 1/2 tsp cinnamon in one bowl.

In my mixer, I whipped butter until it was fluffy and pale gold and then I alternately added vanilla, evaporated milk and the cocoa/sugar mixture until it was all fully incorporated.  I scraped the sides of the bowl frequently and kept whipping it until it reached the consistency that I wanted for piping; spooned the chocolate frosting of awesomeness into my piping bag (after the 4 yo, the 7 you and I all taste tested it, of course.)

and I frosted 22 cupcakes for a 32 year old, friend.

Chocolate Frosted cupcakes for a birthday

I have to tell y’all — I’m not really a chocolate frosting person but this — this chocolate frosting with the subtle undertones of cinnamon and the creamy richness from the evaporated milk and real cocoa – ZOMG!!!!


Homemade Chocolate Frosting

Delicious, rich creamy chocolate frosting.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:20 minutes
Total Time:20 minutes


  • 3/4 C unsweetened Cocoa Powder dark cocoa would be amazing, too
  • 5 1/2 C powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 3/4 C butter
  • 3 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 C and 2 Tbsp evaporated milk


  • Sift together the powdered sugar, cocoa and cinnamon in a large bowl and set aside
  • In your mixing bowl, whip butter until it’s fluffy, creamy and a beautiful pale gold color
  • Alternate adding the evaporated milk, vanilla and sugar/cocoa mixture scraping the sides and bottom of your bowl frequently and whipping until it’s your desired consistency. If necessary, add more powdered sugar or less milk


This frosted 22 Cupcakes, with adequate frosting for tasting 😉
Author: Rachel



Thanks for linking up your deliciousness every week! I love seeing what y’all are feeding your families!
Leave your link, leave a comment, link back and visit others! 😉 Happy Mouthwatering Monday, y’all!

Here are a few of my favorites from last week’s linky:



  1. Thanks for linking up my PB Pretzel Fudge!! That chocolate frosting looks really really good and creamy! I’m in a chocolate mood (as cookies are baking right now). Thanks for hosting!

  2. Hi,
    Those Cup cakes look scrumptious! I shared my delicious grilled tri tip roast and two articles about grass fed beef.

  3. I love the idea of the cinnamon in your frosting, and the evaporated milk would make it so gorgeously rich. As you say it would be great with dark chocolate too. Your cupcakes are beautiful – what a wonderful treat for your friend! I’m not sure my veal marsala is quite as mouthwatering as your lovely chocolate frosting 🙂 Thank you for hosting!

  4. Not a chocolate frosting kind of person? I didn’t even know people like you existed. 😉

    Yellow cake and chocolate frosting is one of my favorites…such a classic!

  5. My mouth is actually watering while reading this. In fact, your site loaded and I just saw the top ridges of the chocolate frosting and already started to salivate a little. Cupcakes of any kind are good in my book — especially since they are pretty hard to come by in Germany! 🙂

  6. Happy Monday Rachel! Mmm- your chocolate frosting sounds great (and the cupcakes are gorgeous!)
    I don’t make very many things that get frosted either.
    I am sharing my recipe for Curried Chicken Chopped Salad. It’s an incredible salad that just takes a little bit of time to get everything cut up small but it is so worth it for the flavor!
    Thanks for hosting!

  7. I’m so not a fan of chocolate frosting, which is weird because I love chocolate everything else. But the way you described it makes me want to dive head first into a bowl!

    Thanks for hosting, I shared two recipes this week, Sweet Potato Chips and Peanut Butter Caramel Bars.

  8. What do you mean, you’re not a chocolate frosting kinda girl? I’ve never met a person like that…. 🙂 Love the cinnamon idea!

  9. Hard for me to imagine someone not liking chocolate anything, but we had a family friend who did not prefer chocalate and said he had trouble enjoying desserts because that’s what everyone “had” to have. Nice for you to branch out of your comfort zone for your friend. I bet she loved her cupcakes because they look yummy!

  10. I love chocolate frosting, this one looks delicious and I’m sure your girlfriend just loved it and her cupcakes.

  11. Thank you for hosting. I’m a follower, and this hop is found on a page on my site that lists more than 200 hops… some for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page. I’ve also got a BlogFrog community that focuses on hops, carnivals, and memes. Go to http://theblogfrog.com/1504201 to visit & participate.
    I hope you’ll visit me soon and follow back!

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