Hands that trembled with the first kiss

Hands that cradled a newborn head with tenderness

Hands that are roughened by work

Hands that support, that caress, that lift up

These are my husband’s hands.

With them he supports our family

He holds our family together

He creates beauty with those hands

To me, they are beautiful

Those hands that hold my heart,

His Hands.


  1. Oh my gosh, Rach – this is so awesome!
    .-= Andrea @ MommySnacks.net´s last blog ..January Menu Plan =-.

  2. Tears. That’s my immediate reaction to this post. My father had small but very strong hands. My mother had beautiful hands, always busy doing the things she loved. I am SO sorry I never got pictures of their hands in action. Thank you for the reminder of how much I loved those hands.

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