
Rockin’ with his (mom’s) socks on

Sneaky Monkey

My Cookie Monsters

at least he steals enough for both of them

What I did Friday night and part of Saturday

The darling and delightful Holly
loaned me her copies of the Stephanie Meyer Twilight series and I devoured them. They are fantastically written and completely addictive. It’s been a long time since I read a series of books that made me cry, laugh, cringe, gasp and cheer. If you have not read these, get thee to the store or your local library! Now!
P.S. Eclipse was my favorite 🙂

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  1. Hey girl I love your blog! You’ve inspired me to do one to! I think I might need some tips though. I’m doing a motivational fitness thing, worked on it for a little bit still can’t figure out some things. Anyways had fun Friday thanks for the good company and good wine!

  2. What the hell happened here huh?
    Amazement all over!!!
    You are happy people!
    What did you feed that camera?
    Cookies? Hehehehehe!

  3. Love the pics, they’re all great! The cookie shot is awesome!
    I’m all over it… I see Twilight cropping up in posts and on Twitter, so I’m headed to the library today. I’m kind of scared- the last time I got into something was “Harry Potter” and I think I’ve read each of ’em 4 or 5 times!

  4. Part of me ♥ it when my kids conspire together – at least they are thoughtful of one another! Very cute pics – I love the pic of the monkey stealing the cookies!

  5. Eclipse is my favorite too! Adorable kids, yummy cookies, why is it I only visit here for Weekly Winners? I need to change that. Thanks for visiting mine!

  6. I love the cookies shot, and the fact that they shared.

    And, these books! Every body is reading them, and I just finished my last book. Time to get on the waiting list at the library.

  7. I have GOT to start reading that series. I just bought the first one for my MIL but she isn’t liking it too much. I’m waiting for her to finish so I can read it.
    Great pics!

  8. Love the sneaky monkies little hand….those cookies looks scrum!!

    OK I am going to have to read those books, I keep hearing about them ALL over the place ::of to haunt Amazon now::

  9. So cute. I can’t believe you read all of those books so fast! I haven’t read any yet but they’re on my list.

  10. You know Twilight & 2nd Asst were bday presents, right? I am still shocked at how quickly you read the last three. AND, you know I love Eclipse the most, too, right?

  11. Yum cookies!

    I gotta agree with you. I’m totally addicted to those books. Now go get The Host. It’s completely different than her Twilight series but I loved it just as much.

  12. Ooh you got sucked in! Are they not some of the most addictive books ever? I love having a teenager to discuss them with, it’s a whole new outlook. Can’t wait for the movie!

  13. I’ve been hearing so much about those books — I just don’t know if I can do the whole “vampire” thing. But, everyone has been raving about them. Maybe I’ll give them a shot…

  14. I thought Mom’s socks were cowboy boots.

    I am trying to refrain from starting those books, because there already aren’t enough hours in the day!

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