Liv 07
2007 First Day of Pre-school 3 years old

Liv 08
2008 First Day of Pre-school 4 years old

Liv 09
2009 First Day of KINDERGARTEN! 5 years old

I can’t believe that my daughter is a kindergartner! Things have been so hectic that I haven’t been able to sit down and write anything yet.  But, these pictures say it all.  I love watching her grow up and she makes me so proud and so happy.  She is strong, funny, articulate, independent, smart and has a heart the size of Texas.

More Wordless Wednesday can be found here


  1. I can’t believe a child would actually pose like this 3 yrs in a row! I’m lucky to get ONE good shot of Evan before mutiny begins.

    Seriously, a cutie. =)
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..Morning Visitors =-.

  2. Umm okay. So 2007 huh? I vaguely remember you posting up that picture when she started. OMG how much she’s grown!

    Better watch out Mama…I foresee a handful in your future 😉
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..Shayna – Infant Session =-.

  3. I cannot believe she’s in Kindergarten! I remember when you shared the first photo on the old mommy site. Wow, these past couple years have flown by!
    .-= Jess´s last blog ..Productivity =-.

  4. What a cutie! Did she have fun? Does she love her teacher?
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..The Time I Nearly Flashed Everyone =-.

  5. She is a cutie! You can see the age progression over thebpast couple of years, it goes sooo fast doesn’t it? 😉
    .-= Liz´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

  6. Absolutely adorable!! These are some of my most favorite pics of my kids. Hope she is enjoying school!
    .-= Kara´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday My Baby Girl Is ONE, and quite the comic… =-.

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