When my parents came to visit last weekend they brought me a new cookbook; cookbooks are one of my favorite things ever.Β  I have a bit of a collection, I should show y’all pictures of it sometime…

While I was skimming through the cookbook I came upon a Parmesan Pretzel Rod recipe and knew I had to try it.

Garlic, Parmesan, Cayenne, Oregano, Butter and Olive Oil combined with crispy salty pretzel rods… yes, please!

Garlic Parmesan Pretzel Rods

I would shake more of the excess coating before baking next time, they’re still amazingly good but, the coating is a bit heavy as seen in this picture πŸ˜‰

Garlic Parmesan Pretzel Rods

Wrap these delicious treats in tissue paper or place in a cute jar wrapped with fabric or ribbon for a pretty back to school treat for teachers or office staff.
Print Recipe


  • 1 C grated Parmesan/Asiago Cheese Mix yes, the stuff in the shaker
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp dried Mexican Oregano
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper or 1/4 tsp for the sensitive palate
  • 6 Tbsp butter sliced for easier melting
  • 1/4 C olive oil
  • roughly 25 to 30 pretzel rods


  • In a small bowl, combine cheese, garlic, oregano and cayenne
  • Put olive oil and butter in a small saucepan, heat until the butter is melted
  • Coat 1/2 to 3/4 of the pretzel rod with the butter/oil mixture; roll the pretzel rods in the cheese mixture and gently tap to shake the excess cheese from the pretzel.
  • Put the pretzel rods on an un-greased baking sheet, bake at 275 F for 10 minutes, turn each pretzel rod halfway and then bake an additional 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Allow to cool and store in a closed container.
Servings: 25 to 30 individual Pretzel Rods
Author: Rachel


Today is Princess’ first day of First Grade! πŸ™‚ YAY! Thus the teacher’s gift inspired recipe πŸ˜‰

The image linkies were such a big hit last week that I’m using them again! Once you’ve linked up your recipe, please leave a comment and then go visit the other participants to see what tonguegasms they’ve been cooking up and sharing! Make sure that you link back here in your post so that others can find and share in the Mouthwatering Monday fun!


  1. These look fantastic, Rachel. Why not? Why not use packaged pretzels, and make them even better! What a cool idea.

    e-Mom @ Susannah’s {Kitchen}

  2. Cool, I was in Walgreen’s yesterday and they had a tub of pretzel sticks on sale so I bought one. What? Walgreen’s has a grocery section and doesn’t everyone do their food shopping while picking up their drugs?

  3. I’m so impressed that you had it together enough to make a first day of school gift for Princess’ teacher.

  4. Rachel, this is the best thing ever. Mouthwatering Monday??? I’m so excited to participate next week! I guess I better get my camera out to take some food porn πŸ˜‰ I have my own Motivating Monday {Inspirational carnival} I do on Mondays too πŸ™‚

    P.S. I’m GaribaySoup on twitter…. just changed over to WordPress so I’m slowly changing my name over to Enchanting Havoc πŸ™‚

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog.

  5. These pretzels are delicious! I used a large baggie to mix the dry ingredients, then added the dipped pretzels to the bag and shook to coat.

  6. Hello! I love your blog, great recipes! I linked up to this recipe on my blog today for my Top 5 feature, check it out if you have time! πŸ™‚ Heather

  7. These look so good! And I love that they are quick and easy. Perfe.ct to munch on with a glass of wine

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