[donotprint]guacamole bite

Occasionally, I make something and I can’t stop eating it.

To the point that I’m torn between eating it and patting myself on the back.

This guacamole is one of those recipes.

guacamole serving

I have a guacamole recipe,  one that I love, one that has never disappointed me.

HOWEVER — after having Guacamole at Solario during BlissDom with 3 of my girls.

Let’s just say that the game changed once Shane made our Guacamole

Guacamole Shane at the Opryland

There is something about fresh guacamole, guacamole made in front of you, with the avocados seeded and removed from their skins in front of you — there is no guacamole like it.  And this guacamole, there was something slightly peppery that lay under the freshness and the tangy lime flavor.. I was determined to go home and replicate it.

To say that we were a bit guac obsessed after that night at Solario would be an understatement.  We even created an entire hashtag about it #guactribe

Y’all — I honestly can’t stop eating this guacamole — it is THAT good.

Freshness is the key, avocados, cilantro, tomatoes, onion, garlic, limes, cumin, jalapenos, salt and radishes (yes, radishes)

guacamole ingredients

Oh did I throw you for a loop there?

Trust me when I say, I am not a radish eater — yet, radishes are key to this guac.

Honestly, y’all — I know it sounds weird and I would NEVER have believed it if I hadn’t eaten it but, radishes are a really cool texture and taste addition to this guac.

Slice four avocados in half, remove the seeds and scoop out the flesh, squeeze the juice of one lime and toss with a fork until the lime juice covers all the avocados. Set aside.

lime juice on avocados

Mince 1/2 an onion, chop 2 garlic cloves, mince 2 radishes, rough chop 2 medium tomatoes or 8 grape tomatoes.  Add in 1 tsp cumin, 1 diced jalapeno (seeded if you can’t handle it), 1 tsp kosher salt and 2 Tbsp chopped cilantro

guacamole before mixing

Mix all the ingredients together with a fork, mashing the pulp until the consistency is to your liking — set the bowl aside for 1 hour at room temperature before serving

It will be hard to resist diving straight in, however, trust me when I tell you — it is WORTH THE WAIT!

guacamole mixing

Serve with corn tortilla chips or veggies

guacamole serving

Y’all, I will be making this for every party we go to, every time we have fajitas and I will be finding excuses to make this, I cannot stop eating it.


I hope that y’all try this recipe and share it with loved ones.

If you’re like me — you can’t leave a recipe alone 😉 so, if you make it and tweak it, I’d love to hear what you did![/donotprint]

Delicious Homemade Guacamole

Print Recipe
Prep Time:20 minutes
Total Time:20 minutes


  • 4 medium avocados halved, seeded and pulp removed
  • Juice of 1 medium lime
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • 2 medium tomatoes or 8 ish grape tomatoes, chopped
  • 1/2 a medium yellow onion chopped
  • 2 Tbsp cilantro chopped
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 jalapeno minced
  • 2 radishes minced


  • Place the pulp from the halved avocados in a bowl and cover with lime juice, toss the avocados and lime juice together with a fork until covered
  • Mince the garlic and jalapeno and radishes, add to avocado/lime mixture
  • Chop onion and cilantro and add to the avocado mixture
  • Add in salt and cumin
  • Use a fork to mix the guacamole to your desired texture
  • Set aside and allow to rest for one hour at room temperature
  • Serve with chips or veggies for dipping
Author: Rachel


I’m so happy with the way Mouthwatering Mondays has grown, I know that I share recipes throughout the week but, Mondays make me happy. I love seeing how many of y’all are visiting each others blogs and discovering fellow foodies! Thank y’all for participating and sharing the love

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  1. I’m fairly certain that my own guac recipe is perfect as is, but IN THE NAME OF RESEARCH I am willing to try yours. That, and I kinda love guacamole.

    Radishes…who knew?

  2. I love guacamole and make mine the easiest way possible by stirring some Pace Picante sauce into a few mashed avacados. Simply, easy, and yum! Today I’ve linked up my maple pecan muffins, a low sugar, but super tasty muffin. Blessings!

  3. I have TWO avocados sitting on my counter because of that deliciousness at the Opryland. I totally want to eat guac for lunch. Sadly, I have no chips. But tonight?! There will be guacamole in this house! YUM.

  4. I had it too – and it was incredible!! PErhaps radishes are the secret – because I already put everything else in mine…
    hate that I missed you @ blissdom..

  5. SHANE!!!

    We loved him at Solario 🙂 He was extra nice to make me a batch of guac sans tomatoes. It was so good, we went back a second time. Actually, including the ConAgra party…I was there 3 times during Blissdom. And I’d go back again right now. It was that good.

    Now I’m craving guac…will have to try your recipe soon. Real soon.

  6. Rachel, your guacamole looks just amazing! I like the sound of the recipe too. It’s really funny, I don’t like avocado sliced in salads or anything like that, but I LOVE guacamole!

  7. Radishes?!?!? Are you SURE you live in S. Texas?!?!? I dunno, I was totally with you until the radish. But, you did bring me to Oreo truffles… Hmmm, I am torn….

    1. Rachael, normally — I remove radishes from EVERYTHING!

      (do you know how difficult it is to type “our” name and spell it your way? LOL. I’ve been spelling it one way for 32 years 😉

  8. Good thing Whole Foods had Organic Avocados on sale this weekend. Because now I don’t have to eat them straight up! #GuacTribe here I come!!!

  9. Oh, man, my tongue is hangin’ out, Rachel! thought I knew what good guacamole was, having lived in Mexico, but guac with radishes and cumin!! YUM. thanks for hosting the hop, my first time linking up with you. Can’t wait to see what others have shared. blessings on your day!

  10. Hey, I just found you (via blahggy.com). I’m not linking up- sorry. I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know I’m supre excited to have found you! I love recipes…what can I say, I have 4 boys and we love to eat!! Anyway, over at blahggy.com she said you were awesome…so I came to check it out. Can’t wait to read more and get more great recipes!

  11. VERY happy to say that had that guac while in Nashville too and it was THE BOMB! But I had NO idea there were radishes in it, but I get it, that they add that extra UMPH! I am SO making this next time I do guac. YUM!!!

  12. I made this yesterday. It’s now GONE. I didn’t waste chips, I ate it with a spoon. Ohmygoodness – this was delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    1. I truly and completely am NOT a radish person. The fact that I love this guacamole and the addition of radishes blew me out of the water.

      They add to the guac. Like cilantro — when used correctly it enhances instead of overpowers and detracts.

  13. Fascinating! I already make guac pretty similar to this, but not necessarily with the extra-spicy ingredients [garlic, jalapeño]…but cumin? OH YES. ;p
    (I love the taste of garlic, but it can make me burp something fierce…maybe I just need to buy some “bean-o” and see if that helps!)

  14. I made this on Saturday and oh my word is it GOOD! The radishes just give it a hint of extra bite that I never would have expected. My husband actually asked me not to make this again because it’s just too good 😉
    Thanks for sharing!

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