It appears that Tuesdays might be challenge day here on A Southern Fairytale.

For better than a year, I’ve watched the challenges on I Heart Faces and have never entered.  Why?  Because I’m lazy and I don’t have that much confidence when pitted against actual professionals.

But, I need to put myself out there and I’ve decided that I’m going to enjoy the challenge.  I’ll never post a past picture (unless I just can’t help it)  I’ll take the challenge at face value and work within the time frame to submit a photo of mine, taken within the challenge frame and I’ll enjoy the experience.

This week’s Challenge, In The Orchard.

Angie, Amy, y’all know that I adore you but it’s just not nice to tease.

I dream of gardens and orchards where jalapenos, tomatoes, poblanos, spinach, apples, oranges, lemons and limes grow in abundance and harmony.

However, I have no such luxury, so my local HEB’s CRAZY large apples will have to do. 😉



  1. HOLY NOMNESS. Are the apples as good as they look? You can lie to me in case they aren’t.

    (And me, “Angie?” Or another? Also, huh?)

    1. LOL. YES, they actually are. They’re honeycrisp and the juices run down your chin with every bite. They rock.

      Not you, Angie (although you inspire and tease me, too) Angie from I Heart Faces 😉

      1. ahhhh gotcha. i was confuzzled. and yes, i tease you, but i only tease the ones i love.

  2. I’ve never seen such a large apple before. This is a great picture, the eyes say it all! Love that her cute little painted nails match the apple 🙂

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