
Creamy, Garlicky Delight

Cream Cheese and Spice

Puppy Love

Treasure Hunt

itsy bitsy teeny weeny

Don’t forget we’re blogging the recession so if you’re reading this through a reader, click on over and read me live! Then go visit the supremely talented Lotus so you can see what true talent is.


  1. Great shots! You know I’m all about the food shots, but no fair without recipes because those look yummy!

  2. Thanks y’all! The first one is the chicken and spinach alfredo that I made for my birthday dinner and the other is my spice cake with cream cheese icing that was the birthday cake 😉 I’ll be posting those recipes later, you know I will.

  3. The crab is to little! Ok you have made me very hungry! I’m off to find something healthy to eat for lunch!

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