sliced steak sandwich2

mountain laurel 2

Strawberries and Cream Desserts

Spring Awakening

I don’t have that many Winners this week.  I’ve been so busy with sick kids and re-adjusting to life after Mom 2.0 😉 and researching to learn more about my camera and lighting and white balance and drooling over speedlights and lenses….

Go visit the Talented and Lovely Lotus to see more.


  1. Yeah, that spider’s gotta hurt if you lick it, Loter!!

    Lovely shots. The first one makes me want BEEF!
    .-= Secret Agent Mama/Mishelle´s most recent blog ..Weekly Winners {The 660×990 Edition} =-.

    1. It is quite possibly my most favorite sandwich ever. I could eat one, every single day. It is SO good! I hope you try it!! You can find the recipe on the previous post. SO NOMMY!

    1. Thanks, sweetie 😉 They’re getting there. I just want to get through to Tuesday when both kids are away for a few hours. It will be the first alone time that I’ve had pretty much since Blissdom.

      Yes, I am jealous of your snow.. for about 5 minutes 😉 Then, I put on my flip flops, t-shirt and jeans and enjoy the sun and Texas 😉

  2. I hadn’t noticed the spider! I was too busy being in love with the cornflower blue sky in the second photo. As pretty as the flowers are, I think the sky steals the show.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s most recent blog ..Project 365: Week 8 =-.

  3. Those strawberries are stunning! Such vibrant colors in all these photos!! Beautiful shots.
    .-= Denise´s most recent blog ..Weekly Winners (Feb. 21 – 27) =-.

  4. Okay, I don’t even know why you need to research anything having to do with photography because you are the southern Annie Leibowitz in my opinion. Hope I spelled that right 🙂 Anywho, I love the pics, and because I may or may not be pregnant, I am now going to the store to get the ingredients for that sandwich…at 9:40 AM. XOXO
    .-= Tricia´s most recent blog ..TTC Craziness =-.

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