There’s Nothing to See Here, Mom

Monkey Sweeps Up

My Girl Loves Her Some New Shoes!

New Shoes

A Barrel Of Monkeys? No, A Tunnel of Fun with A Monkey In It.

Tunnel of Fun

My Kindergartener

First Day of School

You can read my Kindergarten post here, bring tissues

Thanks, Lotus, for hosting and creating this weekly photo sharing meme! MWAH! Y’all go on over there and say hi to Lotus and others!

Tomorrow is Mouthwatering Monday! Make sure to bring your favorite/newest recipe to share!Β  Don’t forget the towel for your keyboard, we wouldn’t want you to short circuit your computer due to excessive drooling over the latest Tonguegasm!!!


  1. That girl is like her Mama; she knows shoes!!
    .-= Secret Agent Mama´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {Around the House Edition} =-.

    1. We do like our shoes ;- ) she got three pairs that day! Those, which are silvery with navy polka dots, brown boots and a pair of pink ballet flats with butterfly on the front of each. i was really impressed with Old Navy’s shoe selection!

    1. He came in, grabbed the room and took off. I said; “what are you doing?” he said; “mom, stay here.. I okay.. I got it”

      Well, of course I had to grab the camera and follow him!

    1. Good luck to you and your kindergartener! We had a great week! I didn’t even cry, until writing the post about it.. then, i teared up a bit. πŸ™‚
      I can’t wait to see pics of y’all’s first week!

  2. Love the mess and your little helper too! Kid pictures always rock. =)
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..Danny Destructo =-.

    1. Thanks! I told her not to look like I was driving her crazy with pictures and she said that was impossible πŸ™‚ Then, she laughed. It was perfect!!

  3. These are great photos! And I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the last shot– She has an adorable grin!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Weekly Winners: I Love You Edition =-.

  4. Oh, god. I am not sure I want to read your kindergarten post. Mine leaves next week, and already my heart swells. I love the shot nothing to see here. So much fun. The last one exudes joy! Great shots.
    .-= Corina @ Down to Earth Mama´s last blog ..Weekly Winners – The Late Edition =-.

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