small things

My children remind me what pure joy is.

They stop me in my tracks and help me to remember that joy is found in our every day lives.

I am reminded that it is my choice, to find joy or miss it because I’m too focused on what’s next.

I hope you find your joy today, and every day.


  1. I need this reminder daily. I don’t find my joy on twitter – I find it in those sweet sticky hands pulling at my leg and shutting my laptop down.

    Thank you!
    xoxo, Tracy

  2. I am always blessed when I find the warmth and joy inside my house that doesn’t exist anywhere else on this planet, we have to work to keep it around (I’m looking at you piles of stuff) but there’s no other feeling quite like it, especially when it’s so dreary outside.


  3. Excellent message my friend. I had a moment of pure joy this morning while each of my two littles sat with me, one on each knee. Children are JOY embodied, for certain.

  4. Rachel – I’ll be on the lookout for joy today – just because of this. God Bless you and keep you and all of your joys., You are a blessing to many.

  5. We spent the entire afternoon outside in the sunshine and now I’m about to get the grill fired up.
    One of the best sounds in the world is that of sun-kissed giggles!

  6. What a lovely post and a great reminder for us all to open our eyes and our hearts for joy is present every day if we are open to it. Today my joy was in receiving news that my brother-in-law came through a 3 hour open heart surgery this morning without any complications. Thanks for sharing your joy with all of us.

  7. Beautiful and so true. I’ve been trying to remind myself of this recently whenever I can, especially while my kids are still so young and these times are so precious.

  8. Thank you for the reminder. All day my head has been so full of the lists of things I need to get through this weekend that I’m forgetting to enjoy today’s beautiful weather and two days with my husband. It’s so easy to get lost in what’s unimportant.

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