It’s Holiday Photo time again.
That time of year where you drag your family in front of a photographer (or your tripod – whatever) in an attempt to catch that ever elusive perfect family photo for your Holiday Cards.

fireplace family portrait

You dress them up

kids posing

You try to get them in just the right location

monkey in Nautica

With everyone’s eyes looking in the same direction

family portraits

You cross your fingers and hope for the best.

My tips:

1) Do not take the pictures yourself especially don’t set your tripod up with your camera at the park on a windy day and try to jump in the shot because your tripod and camera will end up on the ground and you will be in tears Ask a friend to help you, hire a professional – there’s enough to worry about if you’re trying to take family photos and it’s difficult to be both behind and in front of the camera

2) Dress everyone in matching clothes. Dress everyone in complementary colors. Dress everyone in colors that are opposites on the color wheel. Dress everyone in clothes that represent who they are. confused yet?

3) Seriously, my best advice – let everyone dress comfortably, be yourselves.  You want to look at these pictures 5 years, 10 years, 20 years from now and recognize yourselves and remember yourselves as you really are.  Or ignore me completely and do whatever you want. 🙂


Are y’all giggling and shaking your heads yet?

I’m laughing at myself and those pictures and I have Nautica to thank for it 🙂

They sent some super stylish new tops for my family in exchange for my spreading the word about their Holiday Well Wishes Photo Project , which launched today, and I had fun taking family photos and doing it in all the wrong ways.

I love my family, they’re such good sports.

Here’s a bit more about Nautica’s Holiday Well Wishes Photo Project:

As part of the Nautica Holiday Well Wishes Photo Project, Nautica is donating $5,000 to charity: water to fund a project that will provide clean drinking water for a community. You can join the Photo Project and show your support for the cause simply by uploading a holiday photo of your family wearing Nautica!

I uploaded our family photo (which includes an uncomfortable looking me) crowded on our fireplace because I only had 10 seconds on my camera timer in which to rush across the living room and arrange myself. I think the one I shared is take 47 and the only one where all eyes were actually on the camera!  Along with our photo in our Nautica gear, I shared how we give back as a family.

If you want to see our family photo or share your own family photo in your favorite Nautica gear, all you have to do is visit Nautica on Facebook.

As an added bonus – from November 7th – November 14th when you shop on, you can use the coupon code BLOG30 at checkout to receive 30% off your order!

To learn more about Charity: Water – visit CharityWater.Org



    1. Thanks, Steph! I love my family – they were such good sports. I couldn’t coordinate with any of my photog friends to do the pics for us, so I decide to twist it and do it tongue in cheek and fun instead. I actually prefer the pics that aren’t perfect, but that’s just me.

      Of course, the one with me in it… I’m so hunched and uncomfortable LOL 🙂 It really was fun and my kids did love getting to pose in their new clothes – so win, win.

      I can’t WAIT to see your pics and probably cry because Ivy is probably driving by now (sigh – it’s been too long) Don’t stress – they’re just pictures.

      Miss your beautiful face and lovely presence xoxoo

  1. Your son is such a poser for the camera! I love it when you post family pictures. You do have a beautiful family. I think your son is much like his Dad and your daughter is much like you, she certainly has your smile. I saw your family picture on Nautica’s Facebook page (I’m not on FB but my husband is) it is another great shot.

    1. Paula, he kills me. That boy is full of so much personality and spunk and LIFE! I love it.
      Thank you so much. I want to get back to posting more, more recipes, more life, more family 😉

      xoxoxo Thank you

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