
Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the amazingly talented and brave Lotus of Sarcastic Mom infamy. Join the fun, be inspired and share your Weekly Winners.

The Look

My Loves

Going to School

Don’t forget we’re blogging the recession so if you’re reading this through a reader, click on over and read me live!


  1. Hope the kids are enjoying school! Mine head back on Wednesday. Thanks for visiting my WW. I really enjoyed yours!

  2. Totally cute. Your daughter looks so happy to be going to school (no more than her mom, right?!) Thanks for the heads-up on the link and for chasing down my current post! πŸ™‚

  3. Is it me, or is there some sneaky, ornery attitude in that boy’s eyes?

    I bet he’s a handful coming on.

  4. Great pics~your kiddies are adorable! The 1st one reminded me; my hubby says I have a "if looks could kill" looks & it's so funny when you see kiddies give a look like that, LOL πŸ™‚

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