Merry Christmas Eve, y’all!

As a Christmas present to y’all, I’m sharing one of my new favorite treats.

Leave these cookies for Santa and you’ll definitely be on Santa’s Nice List.

I present to y’all – Eggnog Frosted Sugar Cookies.
title plated frosted eggnog sugar cookies

Every Christmas, as far back as I can remember, my Dad made his legendary eggnog, everyone looked forward to the eggnog – we kids got an unleaded version, while the adults got a version that could run a car – or cause reckless abandon.

I won’t tell tales out of school, but board games were always more entertaining after the adults had a few rounds of nog…

Another Christmas tradition in our house, one that always was more successful if done prior to the consumption of eggnog 😉 was baking cookies.

eggnog sugar cookies cutout on tray

This year, I decided that two of my favorite Christmas memories needed to be combined in the form of Eggnog Sugar Cookies.

Adding eggnog and nutmeg into the sugar cookie dough takes these cookies to a new level of deliciousness, and they’re wonderful fresh out of the oven or cold the next morning (if they last that long)  If you’re really looking to kick things up a notch, top them with Eggnog Frosting and they’re absolutely out of this world.

Sugar Cookies Frosted up close

I took some of these cookies – frosted and unfrosted to a friend’s house for a get together the other night.

She took one bite and her eyes lit up like a kid’s on Christmas morning, that right there is the best compliment.

When her boys came in asking for some of the cookies, she told them they could only have the unfrosted ones, because the frosted ones had stuff in them that they weren’t allowed to have – when I went to correct her, and tell her there wasn’t actually alcohol in them, she silenced me with a glance.  When I questioned her about it once the kids were all back outside, she told me she didn’t want to share 🙂

Mission accomplished.

Merry Christmas from my house to yours.

Love, Blessings, Peace, Joy and Yummy Treats


Eggnog Sugar Cookies

Eggnog Frosted Sugar Cookies, a new Holiday tradition
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Eggnog Sugar Cookies

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1 1/4 Cups 2 1/2 sticks butter softened
  • 1 Cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tbsp eggnog
  • 3 1/4 Cups sifted all-purpose flour

Eggnog Frosting

  • 4 Tbsp 1/2 stick butter softened
  • 2 C confectioners' sugar
  • 1 to 2 tsp rum extract
  • 3-4 Tbsp eggnog
  • sprinkling of nutmeg optional for topping


  • In a large bowl, beat butter with an electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, and salt. Beat until combined, scraping bowl occasionally.
  • Beat in egg, eggnog, and vanilla until combined.
  • Beat in as much of the flour as you can with the mixer. Use a wooden spoon, to stir in any remaining flour.
  • Cover the dough with plastic wrap and chill 1 hour or until dough is easy to handle.
  • Preheat oven to 375°F.
  • On a lightly floured surface, roll out 1 C dough 1/4" thick. Use your favorite cookie cutter to cut out the cookies - For these, I used a fluted round 3-inch cookie cutter.
  • Place dough rounds 1 inch apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 7 to 9 minutes or until edges are firm and bottoms are just lightly browned. Transfer cookies to a wire rack; let cool.
  • Serve as is, or top with Eggnog Frosting

Eggnog Frosting

  • Beat together butter, eggnog and confectioners sugar. If you want to kick these up a notch, add the rum extract a bit at a time, tasting as you go.
  • Ice the cookies as desired, sprinkling with coarse sugar and lightly dusting with ground nutmeg if desired.
Servings: 2 dozen cookies
Author: Rachel


The Seasonal Seven by McCormick: While we all enjoy many festive dishes during the holidays, trend data shows that just seven flavors provide the true taste for the most sought-after recipes.This Holiday, McCormick is calling them the “Seasonal Seven” – cinnamon, nutmeg, poultry seasoning, ginger, sage, vanilla, and peppermint. These spices, herbs and extracts are a true taste of the holidays, providing you with an unforgettable meal to celebrate festive occasions.

 My time, talented and participation as one of the McCormick Seasonal Seven ambassadors has been compensated and I have received product for my use in creating recipes and sharing my thoughts and photographs with y’all, my thoughts and opinions are, as always, 100% my own and not provided to me by anyone else.


  1. bahahaha, I love that! I wouldn’t want to share either! These look and sound fantastic. I wish I would have checked while we were at my Mom and Dad’s. Dad is obsessed with eggnog.

  2. I missed the holidays (I mean this literally) I have been working 24/7 and now the holidays have passed. I will not miss it this year for anything, I copied your recipe and will feature it on my personal blog this coming Christmas (11 months from now). Thank you.. at least I have something to look forward to.

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