
Spinach Artichoke dip is one of my favorite dips and with the Super Bowl coming up this weekend, I thought I’d share my recipe with y’all. It’s easy and absolutely tonguegasmic, if you serve this, you’ll definitely be your party’s MVP.

Delicious Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Print Recipe
Prep Time:20 minutes
Total Time:20 minutes


  • 1 C chopped Artichoke Hearts I use canned
  • 1/2 C chopped frozen spinach thawed
  • 8 oz cream cheese
  • 1/2 C fresh grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 4 garlic cloves minced or pressed (or more if you’re a super garlic lover)
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Cover the spinach and artichoke hearts with just enough water to cover, boil over medium heat until tender. (roughly, 10 minutes) Drain when done.
  • In a saucepan over medium heat, saute the garlic in just a hint of olive oil, when the garlic becomes a bit translucent and yummy smelling, add the cream cheese and heat until it’s hot.
  • Add the spinach artichoke mixture and the spices, mix well.
Author: Rachel


What are you serving this Super Bowl weekend?


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  1. This sounds awesome! I’m a recent vegan and I think I could come up with an awesome adaptation of this recipe! Thanks for posting and for hosting this carnival. You’re on my sidebar list of carnivals! Have a great one!

  2. My 7 year old LOVES spinach dip (but hates spinach, figure that one out. LOL) I will have to try this recipe out for her!

  3. I have a different verison of spinach artichoke dip, but I love dips so much I’m always game for more!

    Andi’s latest brilianceRecipe: Bacon Cheeseburger Chicken

  4. LOL! I totally borked Mr. Linky! The link is right but the text is from last week’s I Am Blissfully Domestic!

    Anyhoo….I love me some spin dip! I’m definitely giving this recipe a go b/c it looks easy & delish. Not sure what our Super Bowl plans are yet since our team didn’t make it 🙁

    Malia’s latest brilianceVeggie Pockets

  5. This week I threw caution to the wind and diet out the door with my apple crumble recipe!

    Shannanb aka mommy bits’s latest brilianceBloggy Carnival Time!

  6. Love spinach dip of all kinds! Have you entered this recipe in Noble Pig’s contest? You could win a gift card to Sam’s for $250. Go to noblepig.com if you want to enter it, and I totally think you should.

    Chelsea/PB&J In A Bowl’s latest briliance

  7. I can’t imagine anything tasting bad on a Frito scoop. And this looks like it would taste good on just about anything! Love that the recipe is so easy. Thanks for sharing.

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