alternately titled

I Love My Daughter and Her Sweet Heart

tooth fairy032

“Dear, ToothFairy
I’m very sorry I had a cavaty
will you forgive me? I promis it will not happen again.
Yes ___ No __”

Poor Miss Princess was devastated to have the dentist find a cavity, she cried and cried. She apologized to us and thought she’d done something wrong. We reassured her that she didn’t and we’d just have to floss more thoroughly and Momma and Daddy would monitor her teeth brushing more closely.

Yesterday, she had to get laughing gas – “Mom, the funny gas made my fingers tingly” – shots in her mouth and she had to have a tooth extracted.

This note is what the Tooth Fairy found in her room when she came to *extract* the tooth.
Needless to say, the Tooth Fairy’s heart is in a puddle somewhere on my child’s floor.


  1. That is the sweetest thing! My daughter just lost her first tooth today and there is BIG excitement around here. I can’t wait to play the part of the Tooth Fairy tonight for the first time ever. And I can’t stop thinking about the first time I saw that little tooth when she was four months old. The time, it does fly…

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