What do you do with all those cans of Garbanzo beans?” – that’s what my mom asked me upon returning home from Blissdom. (she had apparently been scanning my pantry shelves)

My response – “I’m hoping to make Oven Roasted Chickpeas”



This past summer, my friend Crystal posted this delicious Baked Garbanzo Beans Recipe, and then I saw Jaden’s Roasted Chickpeas recipe, and Kalyn’s Moroccan Spiced Chickpeas recipe and it dawned on me that I seemed to be missing out on something.

This snack was purported to be crispy and flavorful with a wicked crunch like corn nuts, but without all the fat, and with the added awesomeness of having one of the highest protein levels of any plant.

Due to their high protein level and deliciousness, Garbanzo beans (aka Chickpeas) are a staple in Indian food and in vegetarian diets.

Nathan is a corn nut fanatic and I love all things crispy and spicy — I’m not sure why it’s taken me more than 6 months to jump on the Roasted Chickpeas bandwagon, but I am solidly on board now.

I admit — once the cans were emptied and the beans were rinsed – I was skeptical

I followed directions and dried the beans completely and then drizzled them with olive oil and tossed them to coat

Still not seeing the appeal, however being the accommodating, adventurous and somewhat bored person that I am …. I stuck them in the Pre-heated 400℉ oven and left them to their own devices for 30 minutes.

30 minutes later, they still weren’t golden-brown or crispy.

So I left them for 10 more minutes.

At 40 minutes, I pulled them out of the oven, spritzed them with a dash more olive oil – sprinkled them with sea salt and Garlic and Herb Seasoning.


I’ll admit it, I was more than a little bit skeptical.

I somewhat reluctantly plucked one off the baking sheet – blew on it and popped it in my mouth.





Even the kids – my pickety, snickety, won’t eat cooked veggies kids jumped on these babies like white on rice.

Tiny, dirty, sweet little fingers snatched these healthy little treats out of the bowl like you wouldn’t believe.



Sign me up.

Healthy.Β  Crispy.Β  Crunchy.Β  – – and under $1.50 a batch….. yes, please.

Crispy Oven Roasted Chickpeas

Print Recipe
Prep Time:5 minutes
Cook Time:40 minutes
Total Time:45 minutes


  • 2 14.5 oz cans Garbanzo Beans -aka Chickpeas
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • Sea Salt
  • Seasoning Blend


  • Pre-heat oven to 400 ℉
  • Pour the garbanzo beans into a strainer and rinse for a minute or two, tossing them around to get all the starchy liquid rinsed off.
  • Pour out onto a paper towel lined surface and then dry with another paper towel - allow to dry completely for about 5 minutes.
  • Remove any shells/casings
  • Pour the Chickpeas onto a baking sheet - smooth into a single layer and drizzle with olive oil. Using your hands, roll the beans around until they are coated in oil.
  • Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until golden brown and crispy - Don't burn
  • Remove from the oven and spritz with olive oil or olive oil baking spray - sprinkle with sea salt and your favorite seasoning blend


The flavors and possibilities for these snacks are endless:
Cinnamon and Sugar
Garlic and Cayenne
Rosemary and Sea Salt with lemon
The only limit is your imagination
Author: Rachel


Have you ever made something that surprised you? Good or bad?

A few favorites from last week’s linky:

‘); // ]]>


  1. I want to try this kind of food..Its very interesting..thanks for sharing the recipe to us..I will share to my friend also..

    1. Thanks, Becky! My kids and I were really surprised by how much we liked them! Can’t wait to check out your Mexican Layered Dip – that’s always a winner!

  2. Girl, now you have me sold! I’ve been wanting to try these too, but was wondering if they were really crispy like they look! So far I’ve been only using them in desserts πŸ™‚

    1. Kim, they’re SO crispy… like pop, crack, snap between your teeth when you bite into them! Let me know if you do try them, and I’d love to hear/see how you’ve been using them in your desserts!

      1. That’s awesome, I will definitely be trying them ASAP…I’m always looking for healthier snacks! As far as dessert options – this is one of my favorite ways to eat chickpeas http://kim-thislittlelifeofmine.blogspot.com/2011/12/deep-dish-cookie-pie.html and the ‘cookie dough dip’ made with chickpeas is also pretty darn good – my kids love it! (well, not my 3 y/o, he hates everything but chicken nuggets and M&M’s!) http://kim-thislittlelifeofmine.blogspot.com/2011/10/biscoff-cookie-dough-dip.html

    1. Amy – you should! I think the kids would loove them! I’m going to do them with garlic and cayenne for Nathan and me and try it with cinnamon and sugar for the kiddos.

      SO many flavor options πŸ™‚

  3. Good Morning Rachel,
    Your Oven Roasted Chickpeas look so good, I just love Chickpeas. I am sharing The Menu for my weekly meals with recipes, photos and links. Hope you have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting!
    Miz Helen

  4. I love roasted chickpeas like that. There was a restaurant in our old neighborhood that served those while you waited for your meal (instead of bread). We loved them. Thanks for the recipe and hosting the hop.

  5. I have to admit, I tried to adore roasted chickpeas. I really did. I made them, then dutifully ate them even though I didn’t want to. Maybe I should try a different flavor combo – I did a brown sugar/salt/cinnamon mix. Something lemony perhaps?

    1. Jen, sometimes as much as we want… we just don’t like some things πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚
      I think rosemary and garlic with fresh lemon squeezed over them would be great. If you liked the texture and crunch – then it’s just the seasoning you have to figure out πŸ™‚

      Coarse sea salt is bigger than table salt so you can use less and you get more flavor πŸ˜‰ let me know what you come up with!

  6. I wouldn’t have thought this would sound good to me…but it does! And I’m starting the 17-Day Diet today (Well, as closely as I can without actually buying the book. Don’t lecture me about that. @diaperdiaries already has. Mainly because I’ve asked her to tell me the details about 12 different times. πŸ™‚ ), so this will be a good snack for me to try – and maybe one that my family will like, too! Thanks for sharing!

    1. YAY Mary! Well, feel free to ask questions of me, too! And YES – you should get the book πŸ˜‰ But if Jill has already scolded you, I’ll leave it be πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      You’re welcome, and thanks for linking up!

  7. Not much for chick peas but I printed the recipe to give it a try. My household is trying to eat healthier and this will help. Thanks for hosting this recipe link-up!

    1. Ellen, this was the first time that I’ve eaten them.. just them. I had hummus 2 weeks ago for the first time, too.
      Let me know if you make them, and what you think!

  8. I love chickpeas and I have collected a few recipes to prepare them with this method- now I just need to do it! Your recipe sounds great!
    I am sharing my recipe for Carrot Cake Muffins. This recipe is gluten free, but it can be made with “normal” flour if you don’t have issues with gluten. These muffins are really nice and moist because they have 3 cups of shredded carrot, plus pineapple, raisins and coconut.
    Thanks for hosting!

  9. I want to try this food, I like garlic flavor, this will be more suitable to eat while watching TV.

  10. Thanks for sharing with us this delicious recipe “crispy-oven-roasted-chickpeas”, I want to taste this one…

  11. I’ve never been a big fan of chickpeas, but this actually sounds tasty, so I may have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing and for hosting, Rachel. Blessings, ~Lisa

    PS: Today is my day 8 on the 17 day diet and I’m down 7 pds. Yee-haw! Thanks so much for sharing. πŸ™‚

  12. I love chickpeas and have pinned several recipes to roast them but haven’t gotten around to it yet. I don’t know why. I have 4 cans in my pantry. I have seasonings. But I haven’t done it.

    I did make kale chips and was SHOCKED when my 3 1/2 yr old who does not eat any vegetables without being forced. Ever. Hates them all. She loved them. She came back for more several times. My 5 yr old was okay with them but didn’t love them as much.

  13. Mmmm, a healthier, less processed version of Cornuts! Adding it to my “recipes to try” list.

  14. Very Interesting recipe , I want to try this with my friends on this coming picnic weekends.so it will not be so boring while playing cards.

  15. Yum! That sounds perfect. I bet even my wee ones would love this one. I’m with you though – I would have been skeptical of the canned beans turning out this way. Apparently I need to try, however. Yum.

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