Is it 100 degrees in the shade?

~ Yes

Do you sweat just thinking about walking outside?

~ Yes

Do you want something citrus-y, ice cold and delicious?

~ Yes

Let me introduce you to The Cranberry Orange Limeade

cranberry orange adult limeade

Cranberry juice, Limeade, Orange Juice, Freshly Squeezed Limes, Tequila and Orange Liqueur

cranberry orange margarita

You’re welcome.

I meant to take more (read better) pictures, but I had invited my friend Mindy over to taste test this recipe and somehow, pictures didn’t get taken.

Go to the liquor store (or your liquor cabinet) mix this together and go lounge by the pool or do like I’m going to in a couple of weeks; mix it into a plastic jug and take it to the beach with you for your birthday camping trip.



Don’t forget to enter my Southern Living Giveaway!

Here are a few of my favorite recipes from last week’s Mouthwatering Monday linky

Thanks for linking up your delicious recipes. Make sure y’all visit each other and enjoy!



    1. Key word being ‘little’ πŸ˜‰ too much and it’s um… yah πŸ˜‰ LOL

      It’s so good, I hope you try it sometime!

      LOVE grilled squash, yummy!

  1. Yum, yum and yum. Today is not *quite* so hot, but still warmer than I like it. It’s a shame, really, when a projected high of low 90’s feels like relief! πŸ˜‰

  2. Your new pitcher and glasses look beautiful. The limeade looks so refreshing! I’ll just have to imagine how delicious it was.

  3. That margarita sounds extra good. πŸ™‚ Sorry you’re having such unbearable weather! We’re on the cool side here in the NW. We did have a lovely summery weekend, but woke this morning to thunder, rain, and high humidity. This week I’m sharing a delicious peach muffin recipe — enjoy! Thanks so much for hosting, ~Lisa

    1. Teri, thanks for letting me know. This has happened 2 weeks in a row now. It appears linky code keeps deleting itself. I’m reinstalling it now and emailing the owner of the linky that I pay for πŸ˜‰ Thank you!

    1. Hey girlie, I hear you!!! I’m dying to re-make and photograph my Texican Hash, and Chili and Taco Soup and a few heavy casseroles, but it is NOT happening in this 100+ weather! πŸ™‚ <3

    1. We’re camping for my birthday (Aug 7th) again this year. ON THE BEACH for 4 days.

      I’m making two jugs of this to go into the ice chest and share with friends. My feet in the sand, waves lapping at my toes, freckling up in the sun and sippin’ this summer drink πŸ˜‰ NOM

  4. Man I need to come live by you. You know how to beat the heat. This is what we end up calling “Mommy Juice” amongst my friends. I may have to make some of this later this week!

    And though I put my carbonara up this week and osted it here, what are the odds that someone else would, too? Ohhhh pretty good in fact. Someone else posted theirs just before mine. Love it! πŸ™‚

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