[donotprint]If you were reading me way back in the summer of 2008, then you might remember me sharing a recipe for a delightful little concoction that with just one sip can whisk me all the way back to childhood and summer evenings in Galveston on the deck of my Aunt and Uncle’s beach house.
I adamantly despise coffee, but this Coffee Malt sends me into spirals of delight.


coffee malt

My family’s Coffee Malt recipe is quite possibly Nathan’s favorite drink of all time.

The original recipe calls for: Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Ice Cream, Ovaltine, Cold Coffee and Milk.

For Father’s Day yesterday, Nathan requested a Coffee Malt after our day at the beach – however upon searching the pantry I discovered we were out of Ovaltine (GASP!)

So, I improvised

nutella coffee shake

That’s right, I added Nutella.

Here’s the thing with Nutella – it is NOT supposed to be refrigerated – so adding Nutella to a frozen beverage… a bit tricky.

I poured in the coffee, added the ice cream, vanilla extract and got the blender whirring.  While the blender was whirring I took two table spoons (actual table spoons) and scooped out some Nutella.  I removed the insert from the blender lid and added in the first spoonful of Nutella and used a wooden spoon handle to make sure that it got in there and got whipped around.  I started to see little dark specks appearing so I knew that I was successful!  I repeated that with the second spoonful, poured it into pretty glasses and they were gone in minutes!!  YUM!

The Nutella adds such an interesting depth, I know that Nathan will prefer them made the traditional way most of the time, but this will definitely be repeated!



: Nutella Coffee Shake
  1. 2 table spoons of Nutella (yes table spoons, not Tbsp.)*
  2. Cold Coffee
  3. 1 Tbsp. Vanilla Extract
  4. Vanilla Ice Cream
  1. Fill blender half way with Vanilla Ice Cream, add in Vanilla Extract and 1/2 C coffee (more if you want the flavor stronger)
  2. Start the blender and mix until it has taken on a milkshake consistency, with the blender on high add in the first table spoon of Nutella.
  3. You may need to use a wooden spoon handle to make sure the nutella makes it all the way into the blender so that it can get mixed in before it hardens.
  4. Repeat with second spoonful.
  5. You’ll know that you’re successful when you see dark flecks of Nutella in your shake.

* I recommend table spoons instead of Tbsp. measuring spoons for this recipe because for me, it’s easier to scoop the Nutella out of the spoons and I know many people don’t have multiple sets of measuring spoons, so table spoons are quicker and easier since this recipe needs to be made quickly 😉

~Nutella is not supposed to be refrigerated, it says so right on the container. If you do not get it into the middle of your shake in the blender fast enough, it will become sticky and tacky. Spoon it out and try again 😉


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    1. That’s correct, anything with Nutella can’t be bad. To make this drink more beautiful we can sprinkle some cocoa powder separately and some cashews. I guess, it will make it more beautiful.

  1. Fun recipe, Rachel! If I understand correctly, I believe a Tbsp is roughly the equivalent of a table spoon anyway. So… it could work either way. 🙂

    Can’t wait to try this!

    1. Hey Tsh, they are roughly the same, but the table spoons are easier to get the Nutella scraped out of (or at least it is for me) and most people don’t have 2 Tbsp measuring spoons around and this needs to be done quickly 😉

      Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

        1. I’m glad you left that comment, I hadn’t thought about clarifying!
          I went in and added a footnote as to my reasoning!
          Thanks for the heads up! 🙂

  2. How wonderful sounding! We finally got about 3 minutes of heavy rain a little while ago, and then? It stopped. First rain we’ve had in months, too. It is SO very hot and dry. This recipe with and without the Nutella sounds wonderful! And with skim milk, not even that terribly sinful.
    Thanks hon!

  3. You are so smart to have added Nutella! The drink looks like something I would very much enjoy and I think I will try it your way and the original sometime over the summer. Thanks for sharing this Nutella version!

  4. Thank you for hosting from a new follower!
    I have a page on my site that lists more than 300 hops, memes, and photo challenges… some for each day of the week. Yours is listed there, too! Check under the header for the link to that page. I’ve also started a BlogFrog community that focuses on hops, carnivals, memes, and photo challenges. Go to http://theblogfrog.com/1504201 to visit & participate.

  5. I shared a cookie recipe that would be wonderful with your shake- Chocolate Chiffon Cookies. This recipe is gluten free, but it can be made using “regular” flour if you don’t have an issue with gluten.
    Thanks for hosting!

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