” One Tiny Tomato”
baby 'mater

“Pampered Pasta”
pampered pasta

“Do I Really Need A Title For This?”
The hair and the face

“When All Else Fails, Use a Fork”

opening diapers

To join in or see better photographic evidence of people’s lives, go visit Lotus‘ blog.


  1. I love huggies boxes. They’re so multi-functional! I work in a daycare with infants, and they LOVE it when we have the big diaper boxes to play with!
    .-= Nik´s last blog ..Weekly Winners #15 =-.

  2. Oh that little tamato (and the ham in the shopping cart) are just too cute!
    .-= Secret Agent Mishi´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {Chicago Edition} =-.

  3. cute kids… nummy pasta… can I come for dinner?! LOL. jk. =)
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..When Rural Nova Scotia’s Finest Come Out =-.

  4. He opens the box, does he change himself, too? 😉

    So cute.
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..Grace in Small Things: 33/365 =-.

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